Chapter 29: Missing Person

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Adriana's POV:

Before Choir class started Adonis came back from the office awkwardly. He sat far away from me again causing me to get up and go sit next to him, "Why are you avoiding me ?" I asked him bluntly causing him to give me the side eye. "Ana leave me alone," He said softly while moving a seat over. I got up and sat right by him again, "You can't shut me out I'm your sister," I said getting upset pushing him a little. "Ana please I'm not in a mood.." He said sadly causing me to tear up.

I stared at him in disbelief he looks so pale and broken, I knew he needed a hug. I pulled him into my arms and hugged him tightly feeling his body break down, "Donnie it's okay," I said softly as he muffled his cries into my shoulder pulling away grabbing his hand I take him out the auditorium, no one needs to see him cry this is family business.

Walking him to the staircase where no one can see or hear us, "Donnie talk to me please ?" I said calmly letting him know I'm all ears. We sat down as he takes time to get himself together, as he laid his head on my shoulders, "I talked to mommy about Ms.Nixon and she told the principal and now she wants to tell the cops," He sobbed as he fully laying down on my lap. I started playing with his hair to soothe his nerves, "What about Ms. Nixon ?" I asked cautiously sending Donnie to cry lightly, "She been touching me.." He barely could say causing my eyes to widen tearing up gently.

"Adonis... I'm so sorry you had to go through that," I said sobbing, he came up giving me a hug. "You didn't have to go through that alone," I said sincerely rubbing his back comforting him. "You're my sister I'm suppose protect you," Adonis said wiping his tears. "From stupid boys and mean girls not from your feelings.. I'm always here for you donnie," I said staring into his eyes sincerely as he nodded his head, "I love you," Adonis said lovingly causing me to smile brightly, "I love you too bro," I said sweetly.

Ruby's POV:

I left work early because something just doesn't feel right... Emily was right I should've have acted on impulse. I need to get in touch with Emily ASAP. While I keep my eyes on the road, "Hey Siri call Emily Fields," I said out loud. "Okay now calling Emily Fields swimming emoji," Siri responded back to me causing me to giggle. Why does she always have to announce the emoji ? The phone rang but no answer. "Dammit Emily," I said to myself.

I drove home and parked underground in the garage as I wasted no time to rush upstairs. When I unlocked the door walking inside Hanna was home watching the news, "Valerie Nixon is now a missing person and a person of interest if anyone has seen this women contact the NYPD or Rosewood authorities immediately," I heard the news reporter said as I gulped at the screen.

Once Hanna heard the door close she looked back at me and stood up, "Do you wanna explain..." She said while crossing her arms angrily. I looked at her then back at the television, "Pack your shit we're out of here," I said urgently as I walked towards the bedroom. Hanna's jaw dropped to the floor, "I knew it !! You and Emily never went out for coffee !" She said screaming at me following me into the bed room.

While I grabbed all of our suitcases from the top of the closet as fast as I can, "Hanna please this isn't the time, I need you to focus" I said trying to use my time wisely. "Screw what you want ! we talked about having a kid together, we're married...your gonna communicate with me and right now !" Hanna demanded causing me to stop and stare at her, "Okay you're right ! We went to go pay her visit...we were only suppose to torture her but, I ended up killing her.." I explained trailing off ashamed of myself sending Hanna's eyes to fill up with tears, "You W-What.." She barely could speak.

I looked down in sorrow, "You weren't there Hanna... the way she talked about molesting Donnie I just took me back to when.." I sobbed trailing off uncomfortably. "Back to when Ruby ?" Hanna questioned quietly. "Please help me and get us out of this city and I'll tell you everything.." I said urgently wiping my tears. Hanna scoffed and started to pack her suitcase in silence causing my heart to break, I hope deep down inside she still loves me.

Emily's POV:

When it was time to pick up the kids I picked up the twins first since they're closer then Mason. On our car ride home Alison was catching up with the kids and their day while I stayed in my thoughts. Honestly If I tell Alison about that night I have no clue what she'll do or say. Once we made it home the kids ran inside to do their homework, "Babe..." I trailed off trying to get Alison attention. "Yeah babe ?" She walks into the living room turning on the news causing me to follow her, "Valerie Nixon is now a missing person and a person of interest if anyone has seen this women contact the NYPD or Rosewood authorities immediately," I heard the news reporter say on TV causing Adonis to stop and pay attention, "We just seen her last week now she missing..." Donnie said tearing up causing me to drop my head in disappointment.

When I finally looked up at Alison, She was staring intensely at me and she can tell by the look on my face I gave everything away, "Emily... what did you do ?" She asked me seriously. I started to tear up as my kids looked at me in confusion, "I have..." I began to speak but the doorbell cut me off. Alison stood up angrily and walked passed me as she bumps into my shoulder a little bit, "Babe seriously.." I said in sorrow as I followed her to the front room as she opened the door.

"Ah Ruby & Hanna the two people I was just thinking about...join the lying party," Alison said sarcastically as she let them in. I rolled my eyes at my wife, she doesn't understand... she just need to listen to me. "So you've heard ?" Hanna questioned upsettingly. Alison looked back at me cutting her eyes, "That's Ms.Nixon is now a missing person ...mmhm I wonder who's responsible," My wife said dramatically causing me to look down while everyone walked into the kitchen to talk. "If you just let me explain..." I said following behind them.

"So, you can lie to my face over again and again..." Alison said stating facts, "Alison okay just listen... yes, I went behind your back after you told me not...I couldn't sleep I was up thinking about how she was out there living while Donnie is in hell because of this women," I explained tearing up. Ali looked away from my eyes, stepping a little closer to her she starting shaking her head, "I know I screwed up I'm sorry," I apologized sincerely.

Alison looked at me with tears in her eyes, "What did you do ?" She repeated her question while her voice cracked, "She didn't do anything.." Ruby said as she finally speaks up. We all looked at her, "She was there get her out of town but things changed when she started naming off kids she was molesting Donnie being one of them," Ruby explained getting heated. Alison looked me up and down in disappointment but with affection, "So...I snapped her neck," Ruby confessed causing Hanna and Alison to turn their head swiftly at her, "You What !" They said in unison. "I told you I killed her Hanna just didn't tell you how... that's how I killed my step father when I was going into the ninth grade it was self defense but I got time for it..." Ruby continued to explain causing Hanna and Alison to stress out completely.

"You said you wanted her gone," I said calmly at Alison, "My way ! Emily not yours," She said while pushing me in my shoulder causing me to exhale putting up with her attitude. "I went back and wiped down the whole house but her body is in Spencer's lake and once they even think about draining that lake we will be long fucking gone," Ruby explained causing Alison's jaw to drop.

"You dumped her in my sisters lake... why not just set her body on fire with her house and make it look like an accident ! Or how poison" Alison made a valid point causing Me and Ruby to raise our eyebrows, I should've just planned to kill this bitch with my wife she hella smart... wait has she killed someone before, "We didn't think about that.." I said intriguingly impressed. "You two are dumb," She said shaking her head in disgust. "Babe I'm sor-" I began to apologize again but she cut me off holding her index finger up to me, "Don't... just don't Emily" She snapped at me as she wipes her face out of exhaustion. There was a moment of silence I can tell my wife was thinking and hard. But what about leaving me...fixing this situation.. our kids.. what was she thinking about ?, "We moving to California and now.." Alison said seriously while making eye contact with me. I nodded as we heard the doorbell ring again... "Who could that be ?" Hanna asked while looking at all of us.

I went to the door urgently, opening it "What are you doing here ?" I asked curiously.

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