Past persent and future

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Watching his motionless body as I lean over the edge builds a need within to help, damn these Angel feelings .

I fly back down and land with a soft thud, the hard ground and walls surrounding me as I walk over to the man laying unconscious on the floor. His gold hair falls around his face in soft waves.

I pick up his head slowly and turn it gently to the side to see the damage I have created.

My fingers running over his soft locks as his eyes stay tightly closed. His face relaxed and dirty as his soft skin touches my finger tips.

Shakily I take a breath as I feel the gash, I place my hand on the back of his head and slowly heal his wounds. His blood slips between my fingers as the skin closes over the back of his head, my palms resting against his base of his skull.

My fingers tingle ever so slightly at contact, light pulses underneath my palm.

His eyes flutter slightly, the blue vibrant but cloudy as a moan slips from his lips. Cloudy eye land onto my face for a brief moment before closing lightly.

"Alex, has she been dealt with!" Loud male voices bounce off the brick walls of the allay. I turn around quickly, my eyes go wide, as I see two massive men run around the corner. Their faces morph into something ugly as their eyes land on me.

Their black leather jackets expose their true identities, the mystery mans soft features confuse me because of his cold core.

Their loud voices bounce around me as I catch the glint from a exposed knife, the blades catch the sun. Panic seeps into my veins as they start to slowly approach me like an animal stalking its pray. Their ragged breathing easy to hear as I stumble back. My foot catches on a loose stone but as quickly as I stumble I regain my stepping.

I propel myself off the ground and shoot into the sky like a bullet, up into the clouds, racing back to the woods with no time to lose. The golden haired mans blood dripping from my fingers the whole way.

When I land I sprint to the nearest stream I plunge my arm into the freezing cold water. A sharp intake of breath slides through my lips as pain seats through my body. All I hear for ten minutes straight is the sizzling of my flesh, my blood and the hustlers mixing in with the clear water.

Swirling patterns of red dance across the surface of the crystal clear river, as the tip of my hair becomes wet from contact.

The hustler that nicked me seemed to bleed confidence, literally. He also had a stupid award winning smile that would bring any women to their knees, I don't like getting my knees dirty.

Taking my arm gently out of the stream, I stand as a shooting pain slithers up my arms and slides down my back. I grind my teeth together.

I take steady steps in search of a house that may own a medical kit or really anything.

Pushing through some bushes I find a small cottage hidden behind some large pine trees, my thoughts wonder to who could own such a house but the pain in my arm pushes me towards the little house.

My breathing becomes ragged as I feel my energy drain.

I take steady steps up to the front door and knock softly on the wooden surface, the sound of my fist contacting the door bounces all around me. The floor around me mixes together for a second as I suddenly rest my palm against the wall.

Knock once no answer, knock twice no answer, knock the third time the door flys open. Out steps a fourteen year old boy with soft looking brown wavy hair "What the... are you alright?"

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