Father like son

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Chapter 36

•Alex's point of view•

The car rattles as Ben sits stiffly in the seat that Emily sat in only a weeks before. Her face invades my mind with every one of her breath taking smiles. Eyes like gems that sparkle with beauty even when a fake mask covers her face, always happy.

I always told myself that my heart was too black to feel anything other than the affection for my only brother but than Emily seemed to rip apart the black case to expose the soft interior. She took my heart in a few months but I fear her love is held in someone's else's eyes.

The leather under my finger a constant reminder of the situation I am in the car for, Emily could be going through hell because I was too selfish to just leave it.

I made a plan to walk into the conference about the supernatural and tell them they where all wrong but them Emily and I ran into some trouble. If they did not agree I wound not stop until they could see what I see. I now understand that I was always wrong.

Bens, silent for a good hour now as the hum of the engine keeps the car from becoming too silent. The tension within the car begins to make my skin crawl with nerves but I keep a cold expression.

The cold sweat begins to form on my forehead as the city disappear as we turn off onto a little dirt road. Trees line the road as the car jolts from the rocks that stick up from the forest floor.

The clouds cover partly blocks the sun from the earth as I feel hot rays burn my arms.

The beat of my heart indicates that I am still alive and breathing but it always shows me the fear that sits in my chest as I roll closer to our destination. The leather jackets sticks to my warm skin but like always it fits like a glove.

"So your telling me that your boss is crazy." Ben speaks up into after an hour of sitting in a silent car, his brown hair messy from the sleep he received earlier.

I quickly glance over at him, his eyes stare directly at me, the milky brown tainted with confusion. A small stain on his white polo shirt that I bought him for Christmas.

"Well I didn't realize it at the time but the man in the hotel was Mr. Underwood. After remembering someone telling me about his tattoos I felt stupid for not realizing it earlier." That mans cold face still sits in my mind, the birds just like Vance described them like, charcoal black with little feathers spread out around his neck.

Emily also spoke up about him, fear in her eyes as words passed her lip, those plump pink lips.

"Wow." Ben mumbles as he taps his fingers against the dashboard quite loudly. "You have totally screwed up." I feel myself frown at his truth filled words.

"I know."

The walls of the headquarters loom above us before Ben can utter another word. This is the moment I have been dreading since I began to drive. The gray colorless stone that touches the sky.

A large man stands by the entrance, a jacket covers his meaty shoulders, the large rimmed sunglasses rests on his nose as a bitter scowl rests on his lips.

A fuzzy mustache on his face, it reminds me of a squirrel, it moves as he talks. "Who are you?" The mans deep voice vibrates through the car as I roll down the window. The glasses slide down his oddly massive nose, a look of annoyance on his face.

With a great surprise no scars rest on his face, a clean face, so rare when working this job. Angels may be harmless when not threatened but when you go to attack one it does not always end pretty.

"Oh, right come in." He quickly goes from his phone in his pocket as I watch the lie cross his face. "Ben." The mans eyes widen like saucers before he drops to the ground like a sake of potatoes.

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