All I need

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(New cover for the book please tell me what you think. Took me for ever to edit it)(had to cut the girl out of another picture and paste it onto this one)

Chapter 22

In all honesty I really had no idea about the qualities a Protector could possess. Just words that float in the air before vanishing without a trace, other then the person who spoken them and the ears that hear them.

Even as the sun starts to set on the little destroyed town that once was home to Alex and his family; words for such a being could not be brought up or imagined because this Protector was useless and could do absolutely nothing.

This day, the day of the horrible attack on the poor little town with its many lovely families around five years ago, the burned homes and trees still stand to meet the days morning rays.

Alex does not express what his actions are when coming to a blackened town but in all honesty he does not have too; I already understand why.

The feeling of home and memories even when the ground can hardly been seen by the early morning light that cast shadows through the burned limbs of branches.

His face tells me all I would ever need to know; this totally trashed village with forever be his home.

The date will always be a time of pain and grievance for him but time will pass, only leaving a little pit for the loss, never forgotten but not forever painful.

The day is life turned to shit; the day his parents died only trying to protect their two little children; it costed them their lives.

The Protector should have been there that day saving innocent people lives but she was to busy not watching and definitely not caring; to involved in her own silly problems.

I guess life is cruel like that.

"Yes, my parents died saving us this day five years ago, while my scared ass sat in the basement." He covers his face as my concentration snaps; my eyes fly to his face.

Worry lines cover his face as his eyes show the deep loss that sits on the surface of his mind.

"You were only young Alex. You can't always save everyone." Stillness crosses over us as the words pass by my lips. His eyes lift slowly to mine as the sight of tears build up in his crystal blue eyes.

Like the ocean they sparkle, reflecting the suns rays. One single tears slides it way down his cheek.

Automatically my finger goes to whip it away, his eyes lock with mine, the feeling of his soft cheek under my finger.

My finger begins to move away when Alex stops me and presses my hand to his cheek.

His face is warm as another tear slides down his face, it completely breaks my heart to see him such a vulnerable state.

The warm tears slides down my index finger. My other hand lifts to cup his cheeks in my hands.

"Don't." He whispers quietly but I do not listen as I stroke slowly under his eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes are all I can see. I let my hands drop and lean forward, placing a soft kiss on his cheek. "It will all be alright in time. You just have to wait and I will still be standing there for you."

He nods before his face removes the sad Alex and in moves the no emotion one with guns blazing.

He stands suddenly and moves as fast as he possibly can away from the house almost like it has disgusted him in some way.

With me hot on his trail he breaks through the trees, dropping the cigarette on the floor I let out an annoyed gasp and pick the thing back up so it does not start a fire.

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