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Chapter 30

Her fist inches away from my face, the pungent smell of rich wine swirls around me as I slide swiftly across the floor my hands brushing against the carpet as I lean forward away from her blow.

She hiss as her hand never reaches it target, snapping my hand up I push a hard blow to her rib cage, her mouth opens, a gasp that leaves her bringing the slightest of a smile to my face.

A inhuman growl towards me her foot makes contact with my leg, falling on my ass the carpet rubs against my pants. She dives at me as I swings my leg bringing her falling towards a gamble table, the sound of wood splitting fills my ears as she hits the center.

My hands press into the ground as a drop of my own blood slides down my neck, the knife to far away from me to use, even if destroying her is impossible for me I may be able to make a few dent on her rock hard shell. .

Ova removes long almost daggers of wood that lay over her body, the two sides of the table leaning in towards her, a expression that could kill plastered on her face as she flings wood from her body.

Blue and black poker chips scattered around the floor, blood covers almost all of them.

Blue blood flows slowly down her arm, a cut just above her right eye. My eyes flicker to Alex as he lands a hard punch on knife boys jaw, the guy's head snaps to the side as blood drips from his lips, those yellow eyes of his filled with anger as he pushes Alex against a machine.

They both crash into a table, yellow eyes throws the table like it is a pillow.

Pain laces through my arm as my head spins back to Ova, a piece of wood laying on the floor as red blood soaks it.

Taking a strong stance, Ova lets out a deep laugh that fills the air, it crackles almost like electricity. "Always think you're so high and mighty, just because of those wings of yours." Her hands curled into tight fists, her already white knuckles turning a shade lighter.

Her voice icy and the lack of emotion always surprising me even when I know she has almost nothing inside of her, an empty shell is all she is.

Blue veins pop from her arms as she removes a long pointed piece of wood that was embedded in her skin. "Well I think your scum, almost as disgusting as you think I am."

Her shirt ripped in the center showing her boney stomach, the white skin speckled with a blue. "Just because you got the better half doesn't mean you better your just as bad me." Her voice rising an octave as she hisses through her teeth at me.

Her long nails catch me along the jaw, my hand flys back to catch myself before I hit the floor. My back rams into a table, it slides back, glass falls from the top shattering and covering the floor with little shards.

My eyes catch the ceiling as my head snaps up, the force of the hit sliding down my back.

Gold tints my fingers as I push myself forward, my fist connecting with her nose, blue splatters across my arms and face. The gold strings flicker across her skin burning the surface, she automatically reaches for her face.

The gold slides up and down my arms slowly, Ova's face still the same pale and sunken cheeks that make her look like the walking dead.

Ova, whose face twists into anger, grabs me roughly and throws me backwards as I push her away. Both of our bodies covered in the color of our blood, her body looks like the American flag.

Her fingers twitch just below the jagged black lines that curve around her wrist like barbwire.

Glass shatters around me as Ova slams into a mirror, a surprised gasp leaves her lips as her skin peels apart from the sharp edges of the glass.

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