Slugs and hugs

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Chapter 21

The feeling of something cold sliding down the tip of my finger makes me pry my eyes open and land upon a massive yellow slug slowly moving down my hand.

A startled scream leaves my mouth as I throw my hand up and watch the slimy yellow creature fly; it hits the ground and slowly makes its way to a lonely rock. Its gross looking body moving like a metal slinky.

Scrunching up my nose, slim drips from my middle finger as I lift my hand up from the cold ground.

I might love nature and all its beauty but a massive slug sliding down my hand is not one part of nature that I am a fan of, thank you very much.

Sitting up and away from the tree that my back was just leaning up against I find nothing but the grass and all the tall pine trees.

My confusion changing to annoyance as the only sound I hear is the river. A leaf falls from my hair as I turn my head to the side to take in my surroundings.

Alex's clone lingers in the air but his actual body is nowhere to be found, leaving me alone and slightly cold on the forest floor.

Naughty words turn around in my head as I imagine all the ways of using them towards that no good for anything, excuse of a man.

Growling lowly I stand up and dust my pants off before running my fingers slowly through my tangled hair. A really hot shower could be in some good use righty about know.

I must have fallen asleep when we took a rest and Alex just could not seem to wait for my tired butt.

Taking a long well needed breath of fresh air I take a stand and crack my back. The cloths I have been wearing for the last week or maybe even two are starting to get muddy and really dirty.

Well the pants are because I changed my shirt yesterday.

Following the river up steam as Alex repeatedly said as we made our journey to the destination only known to him I feel the slight cool air gliding off the top of the river.

I feel my own anger radiate from every pour in my body as the sun beats down with no mercy. My skin is going to turn into a crispy crisp.

My bare feet still not covered by shoes as I step on a very sharp rock and let out an angry little squeal, that makes me sound like a pig, a big pink pig.

My eyebrows knit together as the trees start to part and a little stone path curves through them.

Finding fresh boot marks that can only be one person I follow the path that could lead me anywhere.

The path is unkept and slightly run down; has not been cleaned up for years. A few fallen limps from trees lay scattered about; making me step around and over them.

Ivy and different plant life has found its home on the tops of the fallen limps, making the path even more unnoticeable. The only real indication that it is a path is the large stones lining the makeshift figure, a man made structure, no natural organism would never even construct such a thing.

Anger slowly turning into confusion as the path starts to become bigger; all of a sudden a tar like road comes into view as the trees make way for the odd looking path.

My eyes wonder over the new look as the trees open up at the end. Craning my neck to see around the trees more confusion settles in the pit of my stomach.

Stopping right at the end of the one way path, four other paths sprout out from it making a tree looking thing.

My eyes travel up and I almost loose my breath at the site.

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