90 - Getting There

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(Ah, love me an awkward conversations chapter)

Morning is messy as usual. They're a mess of blankets and limbs. They're smiling, they're content. He kisses along her neck and tells her that he dreamt of repeating what they did last night on a beach in the middle of the night. She has no objections to the idea.

"I feel like there's a lot of other similar conversations that we've been too nervous to talk about. I feel like we're getting there now though."

"Other conversations? Like what?"

Vienna smiles at him. "Okay, if you really want to do this now? We've never really talked about anything sexual, have we? Hm, first question. Do you masturbate?"

"Ah, this is what you meant," he says quietly, trying to appear more calm than he really is. He didn't think he'd be half as nervous just talking about it than he really is. "Well... Yes."

"Do you think of me?"

He pauses. "Yes. Do you?"

She looks up at the ceiling. "Not often. It doesn't really go anywhere for me. Have you ever been caught while you were doing it? Have I ever interrupted?"

"Erik came in without knocking once when I was fourteen. I was so embarrassed. I had walked on him with other girls so many times and he was kind of used to it but it only happened to me once and I still think about it sometimes. You've messaged or called once or twice and interrupted... There was one time when you came into my dorm and I was worried you'd realise but I managed to hide what I was doing."

"Wait, was that when you had that massive textbook on your lap??"

"It was," he confirms, his cheeks burning.

She laughs and he feels better about being able to talk about it openly with her. He tells her he's glad they're talking, glad that he can slowly feel his anxiety pass with each time they open up. His chest feels lighter and he feels like he could start asking questions without feeling bad about it.

"Vienna, do you think I'm attractive? Like.... Sexually attractive?"

"Oh definitely," she says, no hesitation. "You get this... This look on your face and I swear to God it drives me wild. And your hair too. I've imagined pulling at that quite a few times. It really turned me on when you pushed me up against the shower wall too. I'm very attracted to you."

"Do you remember when we first met and you went and bought that red dress? I always remember just how guilty I felt for picturing us making out and getting heated in that dress. I barely even knew you but I just wanted to push you against the wall. I'd never even held hands with a girl at that point. I felt so bad about all that thoughts I was having."

"I'm flattered," she laughs, kissing his lips. They're both naked and a little unsure about actually seeing each other. It's bright and they're covered by sheets but they don't know what to do next.

"What are we going to do Enya? We probably have class soon."

She looks towards the clock and sighs. "I mean, I've never suggested this before but maybe just for today we can skip class? We could skip class and just spend the whole day together."

He grins, surprised that she's allowing a whole day to skip classes. He loves the idea. He kisses her cheek and she starts running her fingers through his hair. He asks if they should get breakfast and she nods.

"Do you mind looking away for just a few seconds?" He asks softly. She kisses his nose and covers her eyes with her hands. He gets up and pulls some pants on. She asks if she can look and he throws a shirt at her in response. She giggles and pulls it on, grinning at him. He winks at her and disappears into the bathroom. Vienna takes the chance to put some clothes on.

They eat porridge together and Vienna complains of a sore stomach. Pavel remembers why just before he questions if it's something she ate. He asks if there's anything in particular she wants to do and she shakes her head.

"It's cool inside. I'd like to just study a bit and be in your vicinity."

"Sounds good," he says, sticking a spoon into his mouth.

Erik messages Pavel around midday and asks if he can see him. Pavel tells him to come to Vienna's room and warns Vienna that they'll have company. She doesn't seem concerned until she remembers that she's only in underwear and a loose shirt of Pavel's. Erik shows up when she's in the other room getting dressed and she misses the first part of the conversation.

"I rang my aunt this morning and she's happy to have everyone camping out on the farm. Midsemester break is only three weeks away. Are you still happy to come along?"

"Oh definitely," Vienna says, sitting down with Pavel. "We were talking about it last night."

"So far everyone's in. You two, Selwyn, Hikaru and Saxon. If your roommate wants to join as well she's welcome to. I don't know if you want to ask her."

"She mentioned she's going away for the midsemester break."

Erik nods and asks if Pavel has anyone else he wants to ask. He thinks for a second, not having anyone come to mind. He's more than happy to be there with Vienna and a few other friends.

(Author's Note)

I really enjoyed writing the progression of their relationship. It was interesting trying to write from platonic to affectionate and then affectionate to sexual. This is really the start of that progression, opening up in conversation more so than practice. Hopefully I did their characters justice.

Enjoy ♪

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