Chapter 4 - Broken

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Chapter 4 - Broken (unedited)

I remember that day that I went to go and see you. I was determined just to check on you, and see if you were alright. I don't know what stopped me. It was like a subconscious force. Maybe it was a good thing that I stopped, maybe it was a tragic mistake. I'll guess we'll never know. I blame myself over and over for what happened, and thoughts of you never seem to leave my mind. I miss you so much and I just wish that I had a chance to see you again.

I knocked on his door, and waited. Waiting was always the hardest part. I waited for about a minute and then knocked again, but louder. "Chekov? Are you there Chekov?" There was still no answer. That day I pick pocketed his phone, I got his number as well just in case. That would be an awesome bar tip for picking up guys, by leaving my number in their pocket. I dialled him on my phone, it started ringing. I heard the ring coming from inside. He was in there. "Chekov!" I called out. Why wasn't he answering... The door was unlocked, so reluctantly I opened the door, just a crack. I slipped in, and looked around his room. It was pretty much the same as my room. His bed was in the corner, but it was well made, and empty. There was a sound for the corner, a sniff or something. "Chekov?" I asked again. Beside the bed, something moved, I stepped into the room, and closer to where the noise was coming from. It was Chekov, curled up in a ball.

I ran beside him. "Chekov?!" He didn't look up. His face was hidden in his knees. "Chekov what's wrong?" He shook his head. I wrapped my arm around him. I lifted his head with my hand. He looked up and into my eyes. The normal deep blue colour was replaced with a shallow grey and were stained red at the bottom. I stroked his face. "What happened?" I whispered. I didn't notice it before, but his lip was cut, and his face was bruised, and his eye looked like it was going black. He had been crying, his cheeks were wet. "Chekov?" I asked. There was a distance in his eyes. "They beat me up," he said, finally looking deep into my eyes. I felt like I could see straight into his soul. "Damien's group?" He nodded. "Why?" My voice shook a bit, I was so shocked. "Dah, they said something and I replied back nastily and they beat me up." My hand kept stroking his face. "Come sit down," I said, pulling him to his feet and sitting him on the bed. "Stay here..." I said. I was about to walk into his bathroom, when he stopped me suddenly. "Wait wait vhat are you getting?"

"The med kit, there's one in every bathroom..." He nodded and got it for me while I waited. I took it out and started cleaning his wounds and putting a bandage on his head. He winced at some points where I use antibacterial stuff on him, but other than that he was silent.

I'd nearly finished, when I saw the bottom of his sleeve. "Chekov!" I gasped. The sleeve on his left arm was bloodied, and dripping down to his palm. He moved it close to his side. "It's nothing..." He muttered quietly. I took his hand anyway, slowly and keeping eye contact. "It's okay, you can trust me," I whispered, taking his hand and pulling it towards me. He nodded, and let me see his wrist. I pulled down the bloodied sleeve and saw what I was desperately hoping wouldn't be there. Lots of little red lines and some fresh, fairly deep cuts, oozing a thick red liquid. "Chekov..." I muttered. He didn't say anything, he didn't need to. "That day when I came into your room, is that what was happening?" He nodded, sighing and avoiding eye contact. Another tear slid down his cheek. "Chekov, please don't be upset." I moved my hand to his cheek again and looked up. "You're going to be fine, and I'm going to help you get through this okay?" He shook his head. "I can't drag you into-" I stopped him before he could say anything else. "You aren't dragging me into this, I'm choosing to support you through this." He nodded, and another tear slid down his cheek. I pulled out the anti bacterial and cleaned away the blood. "You're going to be alright, I promise." I bandaged his arm slowly, making sure not to hurt him anymore than he already was. "Can you promise me that you'll at least try to stop doing this?" He nodded. "For you..."

"Don't cry..." I said wiping another tear out of his eye. He tried to stop crying, but held it in for a few seconds and the let out and exasperated breath and started sobbing. I wrapped both my arms around him and slowly rubbed his back. He slowly returned his breathing to normal. I hugged him tighter. "Hey, it's gonna be alright." He nodded, keeping his arms around me. If there's one thing I've learnt, it's if someone needs a hug, and you give them one, never be the first person to let go because you don't know how long they need it for. This was like Chekov, he needed a hug, a really long hug and I was there to give it to him. "Please don't let their stupidity make you upset. It's not worth it." He nodded and loosened his grip. "I promise I'll always be here when you need me, so just call or come over okay?" He nodded. I pulled his bandaged hand towards my lips and softy kissed it. "This doesn't change who you are, I'll care for you just as much okay? Promise me you'll come over when you need to?" His eyes met mine and managed a weak smile. "Thank you Vienna..." He whispered softly.

My arm stayed around him, and we sat together for a while, watching tv. I brought a tub of ice cream over from my room, and we ate it together. The whole litre of it. The sky turned light blue and we lost track of time. I started leaning on him, pretending I was asleep, just to see if he'd move me or something. But instead, he he wrapped his arm around me. I felt his lips press against my head and he whispered, "goodnight Vienna." I smiled, and though I was pretending to be asleep, I soon did fall into an actual sleep.

I was running, I don't know where too, but I couldn't stop. I ran, faster and faster until my legs lead me up into a building and up several flights of stairs until I reached the roof. I looked around, for something anything. At the edge of the building, he stood again. I ran, screaming his name. But he stepped off and fell, into oblivion. I screamed, and fell to the floor in a mass of tears and heavy breaths, incapable of taking in enough air to support me. It faded back.

I gasped and looked around. It was still dark, and Chekov was awake next to me. "Hey, are you alright?" He asked quietly. I nodded and took more deep breaths. "I'm fine, just a bad dream..." His arm was still around me, but I didn't say anything, I liked it there. I felt safer, warmer and happier. He pulled his arm off me, as if reading my thoughts. "Sorry I- uh..." He trailed off and went red. "It's fine," I smiled. "What time is it?" Chekov looked at his watch. "3:00 in the morning, and we have class soon..." He groaned. "I better get back to my room because people will think... Well, let's not go there..." He blushed, and nodded. "Yeah, um... Vienna?" I stood up with him. "Yeah?" His face went red and he looked at the ground. "I'm sorry, but thank you so much. I really needed that..." I moved his chin so he was looking into my eyes. "You're welcome, good night Chekov." I smiled before leaving his room. He waved and smiled as I left. Outside was freezing, I was only wearing thin clothing, so I ran back to my room. I slept for he next few hours, feeling somewhat better that has someone looking after him. I just hoped that none of my other nightmare were real...

(Authors note)

Sorry if this chapter was a bit dark, it will get better in the next chapter. Kind of.....

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