
115 6 12


September 2010


Austin and I had went on a coffee date before we had gone to watch a movie in the cinema. He had been quiet since he had told me he had left Gielle, but luckily I had managed to cheer him up a bit and invited him over for dinner at my place tonight. We goofed around while driving home, Austin telling one lame joke after another, making me laugh every single time until we reached my apartment and stumbled in, me yelling in laughter because he was chasing me and caught my waist.

'Let me go!,' I laughed, trying to pull away from him. Austin laughed too and let go of me, but the second he did I wished he hadn't. Ever since I knew he and Gielle were separating, there had been this restless feeling inside of me and I didn't know what to do with it since I didn't want to give him the idea that to me there was more than just friendship. The times we had spent together in the past few months had only made my feelings for him grow, but I had been hiding it for everyone and even more for him and myself, just because he was married and I didn't want to ruin anything.

'You want a drink?,' I asked while I walked up to the kitchen and opened the fridge.

'Sure.' Austin had sat down at the couch, being soaked up in his phone again.

'Lemonade? Moutain Dew? Beer?'

'Beer's fine.' I took two bottles of beer from the fridge and opened them, walking back to Austin and nudging his shoulder with a beer to catch his attention. He looked up and smiled that grin that I grew to love so much, and I cleared my throat before looking away and sitting down next to him. I watched him sip from his beer in one hand while typing on his phone with the other, totally cut off from everything around him.


'Hmm?' He didn't look up.


'What?' His eyes finally trailed up to mine, totally oblivious.

'I thought you came over to spend time with me,' I said in sarcastic boldness. His eyes narrowed and a smirk lit up his face. He licked his lips, finished his text and then locked his phone, putting it away.

'Alright, I'm all yours,' he said, locking his gaze at mine again. My breath got stuck in my throat at the intense stare he gave me, and my fingers clasped around my beer a little tighter. 'What do you want?' I inhaled and broke our stare off, raking my fingers through my hair.

'I want food,' I then said. Austin let out a laugh and lulled his head back in his neck.

'Do you ever not think about food?,' he asked, emptying his beer and putting the bottle on the table.

'No,' I grinned. Only when I'm thinking of you.

'You still want Chinese?'

'Yeah.' I took my phone and dialled the number of the local Chinese restaurant, ordering all my favourites. Austin's eyes went big at the amount of food I ordered, and I giggled when he handed me another ice cold beer and told me I had ordered enough to feed a whole orphanage.

'Oh sweetie, no. I don't share food. This was only for me,' I said, trying to keep my face straight while he almost choked on his beer. 'Did you want some too?'

'Ten bucks you can't finish all of the food.'

'Twenty bucks I can,' I challenged with a grin. Austin bit his lip and stared at me while chugging his beer. 'Slow down, soldier...,' I said while I sat up and grabbed the bottle from him. He pouted.

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