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[Warning: there is some smut at the end of this chapter. Also, it felt right and wrong at the same time to upload this chapter on Chester's first death anniversary, but hey. Let's keep him in out minds alright? </3]


The hectic, organized chaos behind the scenes had me in slight awe as I watched crew and bandmembers mingle around knowing exactly what to do and where to be. Austin was warming up his vocal chords a few meters away from me, and Hailey was fooling around with Alan and Lillian. Alan swung his guitar on his back and started chasing Hailey, who screamed and ran off.

'Alan!,' Tino yelled after him. He sighed and rolled his eyes when Alan didn't listen. I chuckled and watched Hailey run up to Austin, who picked her up and shielded her from Alan. Hailey laughed loudly and Alan gave up.

'Yeah, you better run to your father, kiddo,' he said, ruffling Hailey's hair before walking away. He jumped around a bit and started stretching his legs. I watched Phil and Aaron do the same while Tino was playing around with his drumsticks.

'Of Mice, two minutes!,' someone with a headset yelled. The guys acknowleged the call and Austin put Hailey down.

'Justin!,' he yelled to a small ginger guy a few meters away. Justin turned around and Austin pointed at Hailey. They both let out a laugh and Austin shook his head, then pointed at his ears.

'Oooh,' Justin said. He grabbed pair of earcuffs and handed them to Austin, who put them on Hailey's ears. She frowned and pulled them off, looking up at him in confusion.

'You need to wear these tonight babygirl, okay?'

'Why?,' she asked a little annoyed, staring at the earcuffs in disgust.

'Because you have little tiny ears which are too delicate for the hard music tonight. You don't wanna get deaf, do you?' Hailey pouted. 'Put them on, okay?' I walked up to them and picked her up.

'Listen to your father, Hailey, come on.'

'Why don't you have to?,' she asked, looking at Austin.

'I do. Look!' He showed her his earplugs and put them in.

'Of Mice, ONE MINUTE!' He looked over his shoulder and nodded.

'I gotta go,' he said, grinning. He was hyped up and more than ready to perform tonight. I could almost sense the energetic vibration his entire body seemed to send out and I smiled.

'Good luck,' I told him, kissing his lips.

'Thanks. Have fun, you. You'll have the perfect spot up here.' He winked, booped Hailey's nose and walked off to the others, who were huddling around and placed their hands on top of each other.

'Austin, you're up!,' their manager shouted.

'Of Mice, on three!,' Alan yelled. 'One, two, three –'

'Rock'n'roll!,' the rest of the band finished. The girls and I laughed and Austin ran up the dark stage, being greeted by a loudly screaming crowd. He loosened the muscles in his neck and shoulders a bit, looked around the venue and grabbed the microphone before starting the song while the rest of the band followed him up stage and took their places.

'You all have something to say

Or something to ask

I don't live in a cage

It's none of your –

You all have something to say

Or something to ask

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