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Warped Tour, august 2012


I was drunk out of my head once again, but I couldn't say I really noticed. We had already been on the road for seven weeks, and we had three more to go. Warped always was my favorite tour to play ever since we got on board two years ago, and this year wasn't an exception. As a band we'd had a rough couple of months since Shayley left us at the beginning of this year, but luckily we had found Aaron as our new vocalist and because of him catching up on our songs real quick, we were still able to tour this summer.

The adrenaline and satisfaction touring gave me had me on a high wave of confidence and joy at daytime, but in the late, dark hours of the night I needed something else to make me feel good, and I had fallen back in the all too familiar pattern of taking whatever I could to achieve that.

I was glad that most people around here knew where to get booze, or better, any drugs and Oli from Bring Me The Horizon had delivered me some of it most of the time. I liked the guy; he was a little quiet sometimes, but fun to hang out with. Not to mention Alison, the small photographer girl Bring Me had taken with them on this tour.

Within days since Warped Tour had started, she and I had become friends and I liked being around her. Alison was easy going, full of the same bad humor I had and she had the talent to make me feel at ease without her even knowing she did. She reminded me a little of that one girl I couldn't forget, but whose name I wouldn't ever dare to speak again. However, I had no romantic interest in Alison whatsoever, since she felt more like a sister than hook up material to me.

'Austin!' Alison's voice dragged me back to the small bonfire we were around. Several people were staring at me, and I cocked an eyebrow and took a sip of beer.


'It's your turn,' she said, a smirk playing at her lips.

'Eh...'  Oh right, we were playing Truth or Dare. 'Truth.' Alison bit her lip and thought for a few moments, until she said:

'What song on your latest album has the most memories to it for you?' I frowned and stared at her, taking another gulp of beer. What a fucking lame question... I didn't want to answer it, but I knew which one it was. I just didn't want to explain why.

'Pass,' I said, emptying my beer bottle, putting it down and grabbing a new one. Alison and Alan laughed.

'No,' she said devilishly. 'You already had your pass when Jack asked what your best fuck was. Answer the question.' I grunted and threw my head in my neck, looking up at the stars above. There was still music playing somewhere on the parking lot; on beautiful late nights like this, bus parties and hang outs were no exception on Warped. People stayed out late, got wasted, hooked up and acted as if nothing happened the next day. I wasn't any different in that matter.

'Repeating Apologies,' I muttered, not looking up at anyone and just drinking from my beer.

'Why?,' I heard Alison ask, but I shook my head and finally brought my eyes back to meet hers.

'No. One question at a time,' I answered, getting up. Without saying another word I left the small gathering around the bonfire All Time Low had made in a barrel in front of their bus and wandered off through the dark maze of other busses. I emptied my bottle and put it on the ground, sinking down against the cold side of another band's vehicle. I hid my face in my hands and sighed deeply. Why did every truth question of tonight made me think about her? It was like she was in the back of my head and was not planning on leaving any time soon. It bothered me, because I hadn't really thought about her in ages. It had been over a year and a half since I had last seen her, you would say that was time enough to forget about her. And still, I couldn't.

Never giving up on you - Completed.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें