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Austin stayed in the hospital for four weeks. In those four weeks I travelled up and down between my parents and Austin, and it had worn me out. Not only was I tired from my early pregnancy, but also of thinking about everything and everyone but myself.

But today that would end, because Austin was to be released and come home with me. Finally. Since it was almost dinner time we would stay with my parents tonight and head home tomorrow. My mother was determined to cook an amazing meal to celebrate him coming home, and I had told her not to make a fuss about it but I knew she would anyway. Where she had hated Austin with all her heart for years, she now adored him in every way. And only because she knew he was beyond good to me and Hailey.

I was packing his bag and getting his things while he was putting on a clean shirt I handed him.

Hey, Cait?'

'Hmm?' Austin was sitting on the edge of the hospital bed watching me. I turned around and looked up at him. He managed to get the shirt over his head and pulled it down, ruffling his blonde hair with dark roots before he brought his eyes up to mine. I zipped his bag and walked up to him, smiling when he slid his arms around my waist and pulled me closer before pecking my lips.

'When we're home, can we eh...'

'Can we what?,' I asked, running my fingers through his hair.

'Can we talk about Costa Rica?' He stared at my face, waiting for my reaction and I let my hands slide off his shoulders and looked at him in disbelief.

'What? Are you still thinking about moving there? No.'

'I'm being serious,' he said.

'So am I.' His grip on my waist slackened a bit and tension build up between us. 'Why?'

'Because I really feel the need to be with my family right now.'

'Austin... We can't just – What about my family?'

'I know I'm asking a lot of you, but I just... I need a break from this all, I need time to recover in peace and I need to find myself back. Please Caity, just let's move to Costa Rica.'

'Austin...' I looked at him, defeated, angry, annoyed, but also understanding. We've had been over this one time since he came up with the idea a week ago. The idea hadn't left his uneasy mind; he had been quiet and inside his own head in the past week and it made me think that the passing of the young guy he had only known for a night had had a deep impact on Austin. It seemed that it had only made him more determined about his plans. He had explained why he wanted to move to Costa Rica so badly; the easy, quiet life there was all he needed right now. It wouldn't be for forever, he had said. Just a while, until I'm back on track... I knew, heck, I even understood why he wanted and needed it, but I didn't want to think about it. I wasn't ready to leave my life, my friends and my family behind for the second time in a year, let alone moving to a different country.

The static silence between us was broken when Hailey ran into the room, yelling that Alan had bought her some ice cream down at the restaurant. Alan walked in after her, smiling and rubbing his neck.

'She kept whining, you know.' I sighed and laughed down at Hailey, who climbed on the bed and crawled up to Austin. He let go of me and focused his attention at our daughter.

'Daddy, are you coming with us?'

'I am, baby. I'm coming home today.' Hailey beamed and almost jumped on his lap, but I managed to keep her from doing so just in time. Austin's face flinched with pain for a moment.

Never giving up on you - Completed.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon