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[A/N: new chapter again! It's very long, but it's cute and funny and sad and... Just go read. Don't forget to let me know what you think! :)]


It had taken me almost an hour to get to the lunchroom where Alison and I had agreed to meet; traffic was a nightmare and there wasn't a spot to park my car anywhere near, so eventually I was carrying a hangry Hailey down the street until I reached the lunchroom and saw Alison wave at me from behind the window. I got in and put Hailey down, sighing and rolling my eyes at her whining.

'Ey!,' Alison said brightly, getting up and pulling me in. I responded her hug and sank down a chair.

'I'm so sorry for being late, but this morning's been hectic.' Alison chuckled and sat down too.

'Don't worry,it's fine. L.A. is a hectic city. I'd rather have London.' I smiled a little at her and ordered Hailey to come sit next to me. She refused and plopped down on the ground, looking grumpy.

'Whatever, just stay there then,' I said annoyed, ignoring her and redirecting my gaze at Alison. She bit her lip trying not to laugh. I sighed and then chuckled. 'She's hangry and didn't sleep very well last night, so... I'm sorry.' Alison shook her head.

'it's fine Cait, don't worry.' Hailey crawled under the table and was still whimpering a bit.

'If she is hangry and doesn't get it her way she's just –'

'- like Austin,' Alison laughed. I grinned.


'I've spent enough times with him to realize whom she gets it from.' Alison smiled and looked at the menu. 'Anyway, let's order something to eat then.' We fell into some easy conversation about L.A. and the nice January weather while picking out something to eat. I ordered pancakes for Hailey, who was finally done whining and came back up from under the table to sit next to me, eyeing Alison in suspicion.

'You remember Alison, right?,' I asked my daughter. Hailey shrugged. 'It's daddy's friend. We met her yesterday.' Alison smiled and waved at her and Hailey half-heartily waved back.

'So Cait, are you already used to L.A.?,' Alison asked while she sipped from her coffee. I shrugged.

'Not really. Stanford is... I miss it sometimes. It's smaller, friendlier, more personal. L.A. is so big and all about appearance and... I don't know.'

'Hmm, I get what you're saying. Although I moved from London to Sheffield for Oli, and I still love London, but Sheffield is just a nicer place to live.'

'I don't think I am made for big cities,' I answered, thanking the waitress when she put my food in front of me.

'I was born a city girl,' Alison chuckled, doing the same. 'I love cities, but L.A. is unreal.'

'It is,' I agreed.

'Grandpa and grandma are back there,' Hailey mumbled. Alison looked up at her.

'Back where, love?'


'In Stanford,' I explained to Alison.

'Ah. You miss them, don't you?,' she asked.

'Yeah,' Hailey and I said in unison. Alison smiled a little.

'I get that...'

'But it's fine. It's not the end of the world, it's just that Hailey and I were so used to having them close and now we're over two hours away from them and everything is different.' Alison nodded in understandment, encouraging me to continue. 'It's just hard sometimes, but whenever I get homesick I just think about the fact that we are a family with Austin now, and it makes it more bearable, but...' I sighed and decided to stop talking before the sad feeling that was already in my chest would flow through my entire body. Alison stared at me.

Never giving up on you - Completed.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang