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'Caity, there's someone here for you,' Kelly said while she popped her head around the door. I looked up from my computer and patient files.


'It's that guy who was in room 420 a while ago...' I closed my eyes.

'Tell him I'm busy, I'm not interested in talking to him. I have nothing to say.'

'Okay...' Kelly frowned and walked away, but a minute later, the door opened again.

'Kelly, I don't-'

'I know you don't want to talk.' His voice made my head spin around so fast, I was seeing stars for a second.

'What the hell are you doing here?!,' I yelled, jumping up from my chair. 'Austin, you can't come in here! Kelly!' She came in, her face apologetic.

'I'm sorry, he didn't listen!'

'Oh, for fuck's sake.' I walked out of the small office, grabbing Austin's arm in the process, dragging him with me. I searched for an empty room and pushed him in, closing the door behind me. 'What are you doing here?! What do you want?!' He looked calmer than I felt, and it made me even more irritated. It had been three weeks since I had visited him in L.A., and we hadn't spoken ever since, not even via texts. I had already almost hoped that I would never have to see or speak him again, and now he was here, at work.

'I needed to come in for a check up, so I thought I'd might go and see you. We are not done talking yet.' Austin set himself down on a chair and looked at me.

'I am.'

'No, you're not. I want to talk to you, and you certainly need to start explaining me some things.'

'I am not obliged in any way to share things with you.' I folded my arms over my chest and shot an angry look at him, which he returned. 'I don't want you in my life, because we have nothing in common.'

'We have, actually.' His voice raised a bit and he leaned in, his arms on his knees.

'Like what?'

'We have a fucking kid together, Caity! Don't tell me I can never see her, don't tell me you won't let me in her life! I have the right to get to know her, because she is my daughter too!' He jumped up while he yelled at me, and at that moment, the door opened and we both shrieked.

'What is going on here?,' Emma's voice yelled. Her eyes caught the both of us and she raised her eyebrows. 'What are you doing?'

'Nothing. Austin was just leaving,' I answered, throwing him dark glances.

'No, I was not. Caity and I were having a discussion about something she doesn't want to talk about, but it's really important to me.' Emma looked from him to me and back.

'I don't care! Caity, you're at work, you can't just go and make a scene. Mr. Carlile, I really recommend you to leave. I'm sorry, but this is not a place for you two to fight.'

'Fine,' Austin said. 'I'll wait for you until your shift is done.' He past me and left the room, leaving me with an unbelieving Emma.

'Are you okay?,' she asked and I shrugged. 'What was he talking about? Who's daughter? And why is he waiting for you? Do I need to call the security? Is he stalking-'

'Emma...' I looked up at her, sighing, only now noticing how exhausted I was. 'It's fine. Leave him.'

'Why was he here?'

'Because Austin and I've known eachother a little longer than this.' Her eyes grew big.

'What? How?' I quickly told her how we had met years before, how we had connected so well, and that we had stayed in touch for a while after that. 'When he got administered last month, it was the first time in more than four years we saw eachother again.'

Never giving up on you - Completed.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant