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I woke up to my alarm begging me to shut it off. Hailey was curled up in my arms and still asleep, so I quietly shut up my alarm and grabbed my phone.

Austin: 'If this is what every night with you and Hailey is gonna be like, then I want it all.' I smiled at his text and slowly parts and bits of last night came flooding back in my memory.

After comforting Hailey until she was asleep again, Austin had put her back in bed and came back to me with an odd look in his eyes. He didn't say anything, but just grabbed my waist and kissed me passionately. We ended up on the couch, where we spent the night kissing, laughing and talking until Lillian came home, surprised by what she saw. She just grinned the entire time until Austin got a little awkward and left, and I cursed her for it. Then we sat down and talked about my night while emptying a bottle of wine, which I now regretted.

A dull pounding hid the back of my head and I dragged myself out of bed, putting on the shower. I stared at my reflection in the mirror and shook my head. A shower would do me good.

I took a long shower, enjoying the warm water rinsing over my body, and I felt a little more refreshed when I got out. Lillian was already dressed, pouring herself some coffee when I came out of the bedroom, wearing a light blue sun dress.

'Morning, lovebird,' she said grinning, leaning over the bar while sipping from her coffee.

'Oh, shut up,' I threw at her. I grabbed a coffee myself and we just stood there next to eachother, both leaning over the bar, watching the sun shining bright into the livingroom.

'Are you sure about all this?,' Lillian suddenly asked, referring to Austin and I.

'Yeah,' I just said. She nodded and we drank our coffee, and after that I went to wake up Hailey. She was still a bit sleepy, but she cooperated, and when she realized Austin would come pick us up to go to my parents, her eyes widened and she was awake in a second.

'Austin's coming?'

'Yeah, he is!' Hailey smiled widely at my positive answer and I started to comb her curls before pulling her hair into a ponytail. 'There you go, missy.' Hailey got off the chair and went into the bedroom to grab Squidgy, when the doorbell rang. I opened the door and grinned at the familiair, tall posture in front of me. Austin pulled me in a hug an kissed my head.

'Hey babe.'

'Hi,' I said, breathless. He wore dark grey cargo shorts and a black shirt with a v-neck, and the same necklace and shoes as yesterday. 'Are you ready?'

'Guess so. Don't know how ready you can be for meeting someone's parents.

'It's just my parents.'

'Yeah, but they're also the grandparents of my kid.' I bit my lip and nodded.

'Hailey! Austin's here!,' I said loudly. Hailey came running up to us and clamped herself on his leg.

'Hey kiddo,' he said and he ruffled her hair.

'I just did –' I stopped mid-sentence and sighed, knowing it was pointless to try and manage to keep my daughter's hair in line.

'Let's go,' Lillian said, grabbing her bag.

'You're coming with us?,' Austin asked hesitantly.

'Ofcourse I am! Caity's parents are like my family too! Did you really think I would miss a sunday brunch with them? No, mister!' Lillian poked a finger in his chest and walked out, motioning Hailey to grab her hand. Austin looked from her to me and I just shrugged, smiling.

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