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Weeks had flown by since Lillian had come home and we had spent a very nice and relaxed weekend in Stanford with my parents. Austin had seen his doctor in the hospital while I had gone with him, and had told him about the never ending pain and discomfort. His doctor had taken it very seriously and had asked Austin if he was in for trying out other medication, which studies had shown to have good effects on most of the complaints he had. I was sceptic at prescribing Austin anti-epileptics while he didn't even have epilepsy, but after using the pills for a few weeks in combination with the painkillers he already had, Austin said that he definitely noticed some difference since the uncomfortable cramps and stiffness in his body was barely there anymore. He was more relaxed and more carefree, which made me happy.

Peter had been really annoyed with him taking a few days off, but when Austin explained he had been to the hospital and got a change in meds and was doing better now, he realized it had been necessary and accepted it.

The album was finished now; it was about to be released on September 9th, which was two months from now. Last week the band had released Pain as first official single from the album, exactly one year after Austin and I had met again. It was surreal to think how much both our lives had changed after that.

The band had shot the video for it last month, and Hailey and I had had a few days of fun behind the scenes of it. It was amazing to me what a work producing a video was and even though it took only two days, it had been pretty intense for the guys. The days had been long and draining, since they practically had to perform the song over and over again and it was pretty heavy. Austin had been worn out but satisfied, and the guys were proud at their song and video.

Last week I had been shopping with Anouk and Hailey, trying to find an outfit to wear to the Alternative Press Music Awards tonight. I had never been to anything like this in my life, and I already got nervous every time I thought about it. Anouk, Amanda and Jennifer would come too, and Austin insisted on bringing Hailey. There would be a lot of other bands and friends of the guys, and Alison and Oliver would be there too.

I was scared that I wasn't going to find an outfit, or that people wouldn't like what I was wearing or how I was talking, or who I was as a person. I was just afraid that people wouldn't like me at all, since I wasn't used to be in the spotlight and have everyone look at me and judge me. I knew the Of Mice And Men fanbase would be all over Austin and me on the internet, especially since we both didn't share that much about our lives together on social media. He'd post a photo of me or us together every now and then, and so would I but we kept the details of our lives private. But being in the spotlights on the red carpet and having to give interviews and take photos would end that, and I was just really nervous about it. Once again I had almost forgotten that Austin was in fact a well known musician who happened to be very popular in the scene; not only with fans of the band but also a lot with so called fangirls, which I had some experience with since Austin posted on Instagram about Hailey for the first time. I knew we would draw attention, and that was what made me almost anxious about tonight.

This morning we flew to Columbus, Ohio. We would stay here for only two days; tomorrow night we would leave back home again. It was almost outrageous to me that all of us were headed to the other side of the country just for one show, but the rest didn't even seem to think about it. It was almost a normal thing, mostly for the band.

The dress code the band had agreed on was all black and so I had found myself on the search for something matching with Austin's black button up and jeans. I had told him I'd just wear the old little black dress I had in my closet, but he shook his head and smiled, kissed me and gave me his credit card, telling me to hit up the girls and go shopping since this happened to be the event of the year and the first one I would be joining him. It had taken me one shopping trip with Amanda and two with Anouk before I had found an outfit I felt confident enough to be me in; it was a black, tailored, strapless jumpsuit. I was contemplating wearing heels under it, because I knew Austin had a secret thing for them, but I decided on wearing my black All Stars because that felt more like myself.

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