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Time flew by in a haze; Disney Land already looked ages ago but was actually just two days ago. The band had just finished their video shoot and as a goodbye we had all gone out for dinner at a pizza place. Half of the restaurant was stuffed with the guys, their girls, me, Hailey and Lillian and it was mayhem. The guys were all over the place.

They were so content with how their video was going to turn out, and over excited to be going on tour tomorrow. Luckily our flight wouldn't leave that early, so we all had some time to sleep in, get some rest and head out to the airport on time. Talking about being on time...

'Alan, I swear if we have to wait for you again tomorrow, we will leave without you,' Tino threatened with a serious face. Alan threw him a look.

'I'll be on time, don't worry.'

'How many times have you said that and turned up too late anyway?,' Austin asked, smirking while picking a pepperoni off his pizza and putting it in his mouth.

'I'm gonna be on time, watch me,' Alan just said, taking his glass an sipping the last bit of his soda through his straw with an obnoxious sound.

'I don't think you will,' Austin teased, a challenging twinkle in his eyes. Alan stared at him.

'Wanna bet?'


'Alright. Winner gets to bleach the loser's hair.'

'No!,' I said, shaking my head. Austin smirked.

'Fine,' he just said.

'Cool,' Alan stared him off, leaning back in his chair and putting his arm over Lillian's. She rolled her eyes.

'Oh my God guys,' she muttered, looking at me. We exchanged a will-they-ever-grow-up?-I-think-the-fuck-not-look and both chuckled.

'Austin, please... Don't,' I told him, laughing. 'Please.'

'Why not? It's not like it's gonna be my hair that's getting bleached,' he answered, winking at me.

'Austin, not to be a game breaker here, but I remember you losing more bets than winning them,' Amanda said. The guys started laughing and she shrugged at him.

'Thanks for the trust, Am,' he chuckled. 'But that was before I was old and wise enough.' Amanda raised her eyebrows.

'You're so going to be blonde, Carlile,' Aaron stated, shaking his head. 'There is no way Alan is going to let his precious ginger hair get ruined anyway.' He ruffled Alan's hair, who was talking to Lillian but turned away from Aaron in annoyance.

'Don't touch my hair!'

'See?,' Aaron smirked. Austin rolled his eyes.

'I though you were my friends,' he mocked.

'Yeah, but we're his friends too,' Tino laughed, pointing at Alan. Alan grinned widely and kept his eyes fixed on Austin, putting his arms over his chest in triumph. Hailey's eyes flicked between Austin and Alan, back and forth until Alan saw her look.

'Hailey, what do you think? Will your father look good with blonde hair?'

'I am not going to be blonde,' Austin said loudly, picking another pepperoni and throwing it at Alan.


'Guys!,' Hailey yelled. 'Don't fight, it's not nice!' Everyone fell silent and then laughed, and Austin pulled her on his lap. 'You can't be my best friend if you fight with my daddy,' she threw at Alan, protectively throwing her arms around Austin. He smirked. Alan cocked an eyebrow and then pouted.

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