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[A/N: Not that long or interesting, but something essential and something cute. Next chapter is tour starting!
I added a photo. I'll be adding more photos and videos in the coming time, since I have so many options for this story haha]


Hectic. It was the word that described the past days best. Did I mind? No. Did my body mind? Yes. Preparing for tour always was a things, but with Caity and Hailey suddenly coming with us, a lot of things had to be taken in account. There was barely enough space in the bus, let alone bunks to sleep in. The bus was always way too crowded anyway, and with my two girls added, it would be too much. But the guys didn't mind, neither did I. Peter was annoyed with this last minute change, but he understood the reason why Caity and Hailey were coming and eventually he agreed on letting them on. He also knew that if they weren't coming, I wasn't either and that was no option.

Alan was over the moon of the girls coming with us. He had already so many plans and ideas about things to do, places to go and sights to see with them in Europe.

'May I remind you to the fact that they're my family?,' I had told him, laughing a bit. It was almost cute how excited he was, but so was I for taking them abroad and showing them around.

Caity had been really busy with taking care of all the things she had to do before tour, especially concerning Hailey's homeschooling and somehow her passport. Together with prepping for Disney Land and making sure everything was in order for us to leave for tour after shooting the video for our new song called Real just the day after we came home from Disney, Caity was stressed. And to top it off, Lillian would take over her job at the ER and she would move into our apartment for the next few weeks. Luckily for Lillian it was easy to get hired as a nurse for a certain amount of time, and there wasn't much trouble for her to take Caity's place.

Just another few days and we would fly to Europe, and so far everything was settled now. I was already tired, and hurting, but I didn't want to let the girls know. I know Caity wanted me to tell her whenever I felt like this, but she already had so many other things on her mind right now, and the only things I cared about at this moment were her well-being and something that had been on my mind for a few weeks now.

When we were touring with Slipknot and Marilyn Manson past summer I had spent a lot of nights alone in my bunk, thinking about something that had become quite important to me. I had been talking to my father about it on the phone a few times, and the more we spoke about it, the more certain I was about getting myself baptized again. I was back on good terms with my faith and I was ready to move on in life; leave all the bad things behind me and and start a new chapter, start the rest of my book with a clear mind and sharp vision.

I had contacted a group of people who took a mission in spreading the word of Jesus in southern California, named the Whosoevers. Since I hadn't been attending any kind of religious group in years, I didn't know where to go until one day while having lunch in between recording my eyes fell on a pamphlet pinned to a board on the wall. It had gotten my interest and I had taken it with me. It was the day when Caity came over for lunch and asked me about my belief later that night, which I had tried to explain to her with examples of every day things that could be seen as a sign of God. That pamphlet certainly was...

The guy of the Whosoevers I had been talking a lot to through text and on the phone was Ryan, one of the founders of the group. He had agreed on baptizing me, and I actually wanted to do it before coming tour. Caity knew, because I had told her about it, but she didn't know I wanted it done this week, let alone tomorrow. I'd had hardly any time to tell her about my decision, since I had come home from touring, we celebrated Hailey's birthday and had to go to Stanford.

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