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As I sat down on our bed and hid my face in my hands, I listened to Gielle grabbing her things in the living room.

'Don't pretend like you don't have any part in this, Austin!,' she yelled. 'I know you didn't marry me because you loved me in the first place, but I agreed on doing it anyway because I wanted to help you out! I got you your health insurence, I got you your heart surgery. And you never thanked me for it! The only thing I could do was pick up the pieces and try to make something out of it, but I couldn't, so I just focused on my own happiness. If you could've made me happy, this would never have happened, Austin!' Her words hit me because I knew they were true. I had been a selfish asshole to her, but no matter what she said, I had loved her.

A rumour at the door of the bedroom made me look up and Gielle stared back at me.

'Stop whining! At least be a man and help me with packing!'

'Oh, really? You are walking out on us, you want to leave! I don't want you to go, so I surely ain't gonna help you move out.'

'Ugh, you're such a crybaby!' She turned and stormed off. I got up and ran after her, descending the stairs a little too fast and tripping over my own feet when I landed.

'Talking about a baby; you made me believe you were pregnant with my child, Gielle! How is that not important in all of this mess?!'

'I never pretended, Austin! I was pregnant!'

'But not by me!' The silence that fell was thick and heavy, and our angry eyes locked and spat fire at eachother. I stared at the girl who hadn't been my wife for yet a year, and I didn't even feel anything anymore. I hated her small frame, I dispised her platina blonde hair and her dolled up face, I regretted ever longing for her once.

'I don't want to see you ever again!,' she whispered so venomous, I set a step back.

'Good, me neither. Now get your stuff and get the fuck out of this house. I don't want you around when I return.' And with that, I ran upstairs, threw some of my stuff in a bag and left without another word to her, furiously opening my car and driving off too fast.

As soon as I hit the road, I had no idea where I was going, but as long as I was getting away from Gielle, everything would be fine. It hurt me to end it like this; although she made it seem like we'd had a bad ten months together, I knew that wasn't true. It had been great with her until two months ago, when I found out she lied to me about being pregnant and after that lying about not having an affair. It was still an unanswered question to me why she would even cheat on me, since I didn't recall ever treating her so that I deserved to be cheated on, but as for now, I didn't care anymore.

I mindlessly drove around the city, contemplating whether to call the guys and crash with them or just wait for Gielle to be gone and head home eventually. My phone bleeped and I grabbed it to look at the message I had received.

Caity: 'Wanna grab a coffee? J ' I looked at the time; it had just been noon and Stanford wasn't that long of a drive anyway. And maybe driving up there and seeing Caity would take my mind off things.

I texted her back and said I would be there in two hours, and when I hit the high way, Slipknot was blasting through my speakers and I was grunting along.

Caity already sat on the last step of the stairs to her apartment, and she looked up when I drove up to her and parked the car, leaving it stationary. She smiled and opened the door, being blown away by the volume of my music.

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