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'Yeah, babygirl?'

'Why do I have to go sleep at grandpa and grandma's house?' I looked back in the rearview mirror and was met with Hailey's big brown eyes, which looked a bit confused.

'Because mommy needs to work nightshift, baby.'

'Again?' The annoyed tone in her voice made me cringe a little. I had been working a lot lately, and almost half of my shifts were nightshifts, because they paid extra and I needed the money.

'Yes, again. But grandma said she would make you pancakes for breakfast,' I tried cheering her up. She didn't bite.

'But I want your pancakes.'

'Well, you can't. I'm sorry honey, but momma needs to work so I can save some money and get us a better apartment.' I had rented the apartment we lived in for nearly five years now, and it was small and only had one bedroom, which meant Hailey and I shared a room. It was okay when she was just a baby, but with almost turning four years old, I found she needed to get a room for herself, and so desperately did I.


'Because we need more space.'


'Hailey, don't.' I looked in the mirror again, watching my daughter sulk and fidget on her stuffed doggy.

Finally, I pulled up at my parent's driveway and got out, got Hailey out of her car seat and plucked her pink backpack from the backseat. Hailey already ran up to the front door, where my mother stood waiting.

'Hi babygirl,' she cooed as she scooped up Hailey. I handed her the pink backpack.

'She's already had dinner. I packed some extra panties; she's a bit late with telling she needs to go to the bathroom sometimes.' My mother nodded and turned so Hailey faced me.

'Goodbye, princess. Mommy loves you, you know that?' Hailey giggled when I cupped her face and planted a few small kisses on it. 'You be good for grandpa and grandma, okay?'

'Yes mom.'

'Okay. Goodnight mom. I'll see you in three days.' I gave my mother a kiss on her cheek and walked away, my heart aching from leaving my daughter behind once again.

My father had offered to lent me a certain amount of money to get a better place to live, saying I should go work less and just use his money, but I refused. I decided to have this baby, so I was going to do this all by myself. Ofcourse my parents jumped in to help me multiple times, not only financially but also in all other ways; my dad often did some chores around the house for me or fixed my car, while my mom babysitted Hailey with all love in the world. I was lucky to have them around, or else things would have been even more difficult. Becoming a single mom at twentyone had taught me a lot about myself and the grown up life, but I was happy with where I was now and I wouldn't change my life for a bit.


To my regret, Austin's name was still on my worklist when I sat down at a computer and scanned my patients. I'd had a few days off and I had hoped for him to be gone when I came back, but he wasn't.

Kelly and Tasha transmitted their patients to me and wished me a quiet nightshift before leaving me and Emma alone at the peacefull ward.

'How've you been?,' Emma asked while she plumped down on a chair next to me. Emma was a colleague and a friend, since she was only a few years older and had a son Hailey's age, so we had some things in common.

Never giving up on you - Completed.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin