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Los Angeles, California

October 2010

Deep down I hated parties. I didn't know how many parties I had been to with Austin already. Before I knew him, hardly five months ago, I wasn't the girl for parties. I didn't like them; it was always noisy and crowded, people would drink way too much and end up staggering and that said, I wasn't even twentyone and legally old enough to drink yet. But still here I was, having my third I-don't-even-know-what in a red cup, looking for Austin. It had been a week since he came over to my apartment and my mother had walked in on us. My cheeks still turned red when I thought about it, and I had only spoken to my mother once in the past days. Our conversation had been light and airy, and none of us both had mentioned what had happened even once. My mother didn't even ask about who Austin was. She didn't know I was in L.A. right now either; I figured it would be the best to keep quiet about Austin or anything regarding him since my mom didn't seem to approve of him anyway. And the last thing I wanted was her interfering with what was going on between us.

I spotted his tall figure across the living room and headed his way, smiling when his sweet laughter reached my ears. I adored him and there was no going back for me. Just as I wanted to reach my hand out to tap him on his arms and make him turn around to me, I was met with the ice cold stare of Whitney, whom he had been talking to and who had made him laugh.

Austin turned around at her gaze behind his back and smiled when he saw me, pulling me in with his long arm and squishing me against his side. Whitney stared at us and I stared back.

'So eh... What's this 'thing' you two've got going on?,' she asked nonchalantly, taking a sip of her drink while pointing between us. Austin shrugged.

'We're just having fun, right Cait?' I looked up at him. I hated how he said we were just having fun because I didn't want to be 'just fun'; I wanted to be much more than that, but I also knew that at this point there was nothing more between us than 'just fun'. So I bit my lip and nodded. Whitney cocked an eyebrow at me, noticing my uncertain hesitation. She smirked vicously, fixing her attention back to Austin after a split second.

'Austin, where were you last weekend by the way? We were all at a party at Kenny's place and I thought you'd be there too.'

'Yeah, I was planning on it, but something else came up,' Austin just answered, looking down at me from the corner of his eyes and smirking while he empties his cup. I bit my lip and tried to focus on something else than him to save my cheeks from turning red, but of course it didn't work. Whitney noticed, again. I sighed softly and slowly tried to peel Austin's arm off me, but it was heavy and he was drunk and not planning on letting me go, and so I was forced to endure Whitney's small talk with Austin about last week's party a little longer before Austin decides he needed another drink.

'You want anything?,' he asked me. I shook my head and showed him my still half full cup of Whatever. 'Okay.' He kissed my forehead and walked off, enthusiastically greeting someone he knew. Whitney and I both looked after him until he reached the kitchen and disappeared out of our sight. Then she set a step towards me.

'I don't know how you got him into you, 'cause I obviously don't see what's so special about you, but honey, let me tell you this: you are not the girl for Austin, and he will grow tired of you sooner or later. He makes you fall for him, uses you, takes your all and then leaves to move on to the next whore he sets his eyes on. He did this with Gielle and he will also do it with you. 'Cause that's how Austin is: always looking for the next girl who's stupid enough to let him fuck her.' She smiled sweetly at me, while all I could do was just look at her with a blank stare.

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