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I hadn't seen Austin in over a week, since I had to get back to Stanford for work and he had meetings, rehearsals and other stuff scheduled in L.A. the past few days. Last time I saw him had been a hard few days, but despite our fights and everything that had happened, we had become even closer and I was happy about that. We had overcome some difficulties, and we were still doing good.

Every time I thought about Austin, or the days I had spend with him and the things we had done, I couldn't help but smile like an idiot. Emma and Rob knew, but I didn't feel like telling anyone else. Ofcourse my colleagues knew something was up, but I thought I could keep my life private. Until today.

'Hello nurse, can you please tell me where I can find a bathroom?' I was busy ordering my papers when I answered, so it took a few seconds for me to look up.

'Yeah sure, just go tha- Oh my God!' I looked straight into Austin and Hailey's smiling faces when I looked up. 'What are you doing here?!' Austin laughed.

'You look shocked.'

'I am! Hey baby,' I said as I walked up to them. Hailey jumped in my arms and I planted a kiss on her cheek. 'What are you doing here?'

'Why am I not getting a kiss?,' Austin asked, pouting. I smiled and looked around; Emma lifted her thumbs at me. I rolled my eyes and put my free arm around Austin's waist when he pulled me in and kissed me. 'And we are here because I had a check up and Hailey and I want to take you somewhere after your shift is over.'

'Oh?' I raised my eyebrows and looked at Hailey, who giggled and put her hands in front of her face.

'Daddy wants to take you to-'

'Hailey.' Austin warned her with his eyes and Hailey put her hands over her mouth.

'Caity? I need your help in room 415,' Emma said while passing us. 'Hi mister Carlile!'

'Mister Carlile?' Austin rolled his eyes. 'Ugh, call me Austin, please. Mister Carlile is my father!' Emma laughed and walked off.

'I need to go...,' I said.

'Okay. Well, we'll be waiting in the restaurant. See you in an hour?'

'Sure,' I answered, still a bit dazed. He kissed my lips and took Hailey from me before walking away. I smiled at the sight of them, playfully talking to eachother.


'Yeah, I'm coming!' I ripped my eyes off the two people that held my entire heart and walked up to help Emma.


'There you are,' Austin said when his eyes caught me. He stood up and grabbed Hailey's hand. 'Hi beautiful.' I bit my lip and blushed, looking away from him. His finger lifted my chin and he pecked my lips. 'Are you shy?'

'No,' I said, nudging him a little. Austin laughed, picked up Hailey and put his arm around me.

'Come on, we really need to go.' He led us to his car, and I kept asking where we were going for a while, until Austin hit the free way and stopped answering my questions. It took me an hour to recognize the road we were on.

'Austin... Why are we driving to L.A.?' He sighed, leaned his arm in the window and bit his thumbnail.

'Are you ever gonna stop asking?'

'No. I hate surprises. Please tell me where we are going? I need to work tomorrow, I don't have time to go up and down to L.A. just for fun...'

'Babe, trust me, you'll be back in time for work.' I sighed.

Never giving up on you - Completed.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt