Wait what?

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After the surprise from the kids, Jen has been more content and happier. She realized that she doesn't need love from a man. She needs her kids, and her kids need her. She's always been giving her 100% to her kids and giving her all to them... but after the surprise, it's been more like her giving them 200% of herself. Even with her extremely tight schedule that consists of meetings on skype or face time, she has always made time for her kids.

Monday morning..
The doorbell rang. Jen woke up slowly and went to go answer the door in her long silk Versace robe. She opened it and as soon as she opened the door... she saw him... He was well dressed and groomed.

"Hey... I know it's early... but I wanted to talk to you before the kids wake up." The guy said.

"Uh.. okay... I guess." Jen said and let him in and took him to the dining room.

They both sat down and looked at each other.

"So what would you like to talk about?" Jen said and crossed her arms across her chest.

"I was thinking... things aren't the same without you. I know I was the one who left... but I just wanted to try again... you know maybe the third time is the charm.. possibly. But hear me out before you respond. I want to be there for you and the kids. You guys are my life. I miss them. I miss their laughs. I miss your laugh. I miss everything. I hate not being with you. I hate not waking up to you in the morning. Please... just come back into my life.." The guy said to Jen and begged her as he held her hand.

"I don't know what to say... we had our fun... but now.. I'm a full time mom. What I mean is that I'm committed to my kids. I just want to be free. I know being single and lonely is sad but I just love the freedom." Jen said and looked at him and smiled softly.

"I.. I guess... but would you like to go out sometime..? Just to catch up at least...?" The guy said and looked at Jen.

"Sure... I'll have to talk to Benny... but I'll see what I can do.."  Jen pulled her hand back softly and looked at the man.

He nodded and then kissed her head and left.

To be continued...

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