Could It Be The End or a new beginning? Pt 2

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Today is the day that Jennifer is coming back, yet Alex has no clue that she is coming back.. He is in for a surprise... A surprise that he has been waiting for desperately.

Jennifer's P.O.V.

I arrived at the Miami airport and got out of the jet. I looked around and saw Benny there waiting for me.

"Welcome back Jen." He wrapped his arms around me and smiled.

I hugged him back and sighed softly. "Hi. Thank you, baby. I am just nervous to see Alex. The kids I am so ready to see because I miss them sooo much."

"Well.. It makes sense since did need that break. Did you finally make up your mind?"

"Yes for sure. I see things clearly now... it should've been like that in the first place... But obviously, I was distracted.."

"Clearly." Benny chuckled.

We got into the car and my driver put my bags into the trunk. I buckled up and sighed as I read the messages I have been ignoring from Alex...



4:53 pm: I miss you.

5:00 pm: I hope you are doing well... The kids and miss you.

10:30 pm: Goodnight Jennifer. I love you..


6:30 AM: Good morning babe. I miss you.

****Sent an image****

I clicked the image and saw a photo of Emme and Ella doing karaoke and singing together. I smiled softly then continued to look at the texts.


9:34 pm: Goodnight Jen... I hope everything is okay. I miss you so much. The kids miss you as well... But I miss you the most.. These past few nights have been so lonely without you in my arms..

I sighed and set my phone down.

Just then I got a call from Alex.. I looked at it and ignored it, letting it ring. Benny just looked at me. "Why don't you just answer..? It's not like he will be crying to you about how he misses his wife." He said sarcastically and chuckled. I rolled my eyes playfully.

The car ride was silent. I was just thinking to myself about everything.

Once we arrived, I gathered myself together and tried to stop getting nervous.. But I just couldn't help it.

Benny got out and gave me a little pep talk to calm me down.

"You've got this.. What's the worst that can happen? He misses you badly and desperately. He is lost without his twin flame. The love of his life. Get in there and make things right.. It'll be better for you and your kids." Benny rubbed my back.

I nodded and walked straight inside the house. I walked into the living room and saw Alex was asleep on the couch by himself. I slowly walked up to him and set my bag down then got under the blanket and snuggled up to him.

"I love you Tashi." Alex mumbled in his sleep, thinking it was Tashi instead of me..

I softly poked his chest a few times and he woke up slowly and yawned. He looked at me then immediately got excited and hugged me tightly.

"Oh my god Jen!! I missed you so so much. You have no idea!" Alex held me closely and tightly in his huge arms.

"I missed you too.." I said and smiled softly as I hugged him back and caressed the back of his head softly. I sighed softly in relief and was happy to be back in his arms again.. I missed being in his arms to be honest... I missed his warm embrace... I took it for granted... His hugs are the best.

"I just wanted to tell you-" Alex began to speak but I cut him off and put my finger against his lips. "Hush. I want to speak.. I have so much to tell you.. and kind of just give you my side of the story... Because you deserve an explanation.." Alex stayed quiet and nodded softly.

"Well.. I wanted to start off by saying that the reason why I wanted this break was that.. my mind was fogged up by something that happened in the past and the thought of it reoccurring would be nice but it just wasn't the right thing to do..." I began to speak but Alex interrupted.

"Because of Ben... Right..?" He looked at me upset.

"Yeah... How'd you know...?"

"I saw the news headlines on the magazines... It's everywhere Jen..."

"Oh.. Well.. I saw that.. and I am sorry about it... I just didn't know what to do and the thought of what I could of had... Just made me curious you know..." I looked at him, hoping he would understand..

"So I was the second choice... I was never your first choice.. right..? You were planning to leave with Ben all this long?"

"No, no, of course not papi.. I know it seems like that but it's not.. I just wanted a few days to clear things up with myself.. I also wanted to apologize for the way I have been treating you lately as well.. It's not fair to you at all for me to be rude or just ignoring you. You deserve all the love in the world. You're always so good to me... and I took advantage of that and took it for granted and I shouldn't have... I must admit... It's just... I don't know what I was thinking.. I didn't do anything physical to hurt us or our relationship... I just feel like I damaged our emotional relationship and I want to repair it... No matter what it takes... Months, years, I don't care how long, just as long as I am with you.." Tears were streaming down my face. I looked at him with sadness and hope in my eyes... Hoping he would understand and want to fix things... Hoping he would accept my apology...

"Okay... I understand.. I think we are even.. to be honest. I do want to fix things with you as well.. I think we both can work on things in order to move past this and to better people.. and better partners..." Alex said softly as he held my hand and kissed it. We were both crying at this point. He took me into his embrace once again and held me close. We slowly pulled away and gazed into each other's eyes then slowly leaned in and pressed each other's lips against one another.. This kiss was different than the others... It was more meaningful and powerful...

The kids walked in and gasped.

"Mommy!!!" The kids all said together in unison then ran to me us and hugged me tightly. I hugged them all and quickly wiped my tears.

"Hi, my babies!!" I smiled widely and held them close.

We stayed close, hugging each other, and didn't let go for a few minutes... It felt amazing. I missed my cocos.

Everything now felt like how it should have been in the first place. The kids are here, Alex is here... We made up and now everything just feels perfect... I don't need anyone in the world except for my babies and my husband...

The end..

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