Be Careful

489 16 5

Jennifer's P.O.V.

Its been 3 days since my boys Iván and Elias were born.. The doctors have been urging me to start walking to help with the healing process. My mom walked down the hall with me slowly.

"Do you know exactly where and what room Alex is in..?" I ask my mom and look at her.

"I do..." lupe says.

"Will you take me..? I wanna see my baby.. please ma.." I begged and pouted. My mom sighed then saw a wheel chair and helped me get on. She took me to Alex's room which was 3 floors above where I was at. The elevator ride seemed like forever because I was so anxious to see him.

Once we go to the floor he was at, my mom walked to the room that he was staying in. She opened it and his bed was empty.

"Ma... he's dead..." I said and started to panic even more.

"Baby relax.. he's not dead, I promise." My mom said and it kind of relaxes me... she's always right..

She took me to the nurse near by.

"Hello, I'm looking for my son in law Alex Rodriguez." My mom said to the nurse.

"Oh he was just taken to a room next to Jennifer's. Wait shouldn't you be in bed resting miss Lopez..?" The nurse said then looked at me.

"I just wanted to know where my baby was at.. sorry.." I said and felt like a little kid who got in trouble for the first time.

"Oh don't worry. I'll go with you so you're not in trouble." The nurse said and smiled reassuringly.

I nodded softly and we all went back to my room.

"See What has happened was that Alex has woken up from his medical induced coma. He's fine now, he's just resting. We just had to transport him to another room due to room shortage. There's other people needing a room." The nurse said.

I nod softly and sigh in relief. We go back to my room. Something in me made me angry again about everything that's happened.

"Actually.. I don't want to see him.." I said and was sure with answer.

"Baby that's your boyfriend... he needs you.." my mom said to me and caressed my cheek softly.

"he's not my boyfriend anymore.. he abused me and hurt me while I was pregnant with the boys... you never knew that because I was too scared to tell anyone. I'm glad he's suffering." I say and sigh softly in anger.

"Baby..." Lupe says trying to calm me down by rubbing my back.

"Don't touch me!" I say sounding like an angry teenager with an attitude issue.

I slowly manage to get up from the wheelchair and I slowly walk back to my room.

Alex's P.O.V.

I feel like complete shit... my medicine dosage is so damn high that I can't feel any pain but I'm so drugged up and I want to see my Jennifer. I close my eyes and try to picture her beautiful face but all I see when I think of her is her flinching and covering her face...

I sigh softly and look down... I mistreated her because of my own dumbass actions and I decided to take my anger out on her but she never deserved it... she was always so sweet to me... I just feel horrible now...

1 month later...

Jen and Alex were both out of the hospital and doing their own thing. Alex's stuff was still at the house but he constantly tried to call and text Jennifer but she kept ignoring him. She ended up blocking his number.

Alex decided to go over and see her. He saw large black smoke come from the backyard. He ran to the backyard and Jen was burning all his stuff including his trophies and awards that he got during his time playing for the Yankees. Alex ran up to her and was extremely upset and angry. He grabbed a bucket of water from the pool and put the water out. Luckily his awards were slightly damaged but weren't gone completely.

"What the hell??? I've been trying to call you to see if we can work things out. And you never responded." Alex says and sighs.

Jennifer stood there and looked the other way ignoring him. She walked away but Alex pulled her back and accidentally knocked her off her feet.

"Oh my god Jen I'm sorry." He said sincerely and was concerned because he didn't mean to pull her hard. Jen looked at him scared and didn't say anything.

"Baby please... just give me a chance.." alex said and begged.

Jennifer didn't respond. A few seconds later, Gino walked out shirtless and with a towel around his waist.

"Jen, come back inside, lemme give you a massage to help you relax." Gino said and was ignoring Alex. She followed him inside. Alex stood there shocked...

To be continued...

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