Christmas Special

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Fast forward a few months...

It's Christmas time!!

Alex's P.O.V.

Christmas morning, Jennifer and I just woke up and are in our matching Christmas Pjs. We went to go wake up the kids. Jennifer went to the guest rooms to go wake up her sisters, then I went to go wake up my brother and sister and their kids.

I quickly went back to the room and grabbed something then left to the living room. I sighed nervously as I waited for my family to come downstairs. This year will definitely be different than last year's...

Once they all got dressed, they went downstairs and we were all wearing matching red plaid PJs. We then all went and sat around the Christmas tree and started to exchange gifts. We did secret Santa this year instead of the white elephant game.

"Alright who is going first?"

Jennifer came up to my sister Susy and handed her a present. "Whaattt? Oh, thank you." Susy said and smiled at Jen.

"No problem baby." Jen said and smiled at her.

My sister opened her present and gasped when she saw a Gucci box. "Is it what I think it is...?" Susy said and giggled softly then opened the box. Jen looked at her excitedly and bit her lip nervously. There was a black Soho small leather bag that Susy has been wanting forever.

"Oh my god... Jennifer... How did you know??" Susy asked and was in shock.

"I knew how much you wanted it because the last time we went shopping, you were upset that it was sold out. So, I called some people I know and managed to get a bag." Jen said and giggled softly.

"Oh my god, you're the best. Thank you. I love it." Susy said and hugged Jen. Jen hugged her back and smiled.

Susy went next and gave Emme her present. "Aww thank you." Emme said and smiled at Susy then opened her present. There was a small Tiffany and Co necklace with Emme's name engraved on it. "This is beautiful. I love it, Thank you so much!" Emme said and hugged her tight.

Emme went next and gave Nick his gift. "Oh wow, thanks Em." Nick said and leaned down and hugged her then opened his present. He saw the Nike box and looked at Emme in shock. "Are these.... what I think they are...?" Nick said and chuckled. Emme shrugged and smiled. He opened the box and there was Nike Air Max 97's inside in the color olive green. "Oh my god... Wow... These just dropped and were sold out everywhere..." Nick said in shock.

"I have connections." Emme said and winked at her mom then giggled softly as Nick thanked her and hugged her. She hugged back and smiled.

Nick was next and exchanged his gift with Lynda. After all the gift exchanges were done, each of our families exchanged gifts within our own families.

Jen gave the kids what they asked for. Max got a new gaming laptop along with some books he wanted, and for Emme, she got her a baby blue mini Givenchy bag that matches her bag, along with a new record player along with the vinyl records that Emme wanted. I got Ella and Natasha the new Gucci shoes they wanted as well as two mini Birkin bags.

As Jen was opening her presents, I was behind her then I took out a ring box and kneeled on one knee, and looked up at her.

"Jennifer.." I said softly as I took a deep breath and sighed nervously. Everyone turned around and looked at Jen and gasped. Jennifer looked at them confused then turned around and looked at me then immediately dropped her new purse and put her hands over her mouth and gasped.

"Oh... my... God..." Jen said as she looked at me.

Lynda was near us and recording, she had a perfect view.

"Baby, from the beginning when we first started dating... I knew that I had to make you my wife... I know we had a rough relationship but no relationship is perfect... I thank god every day that we had another chance at love... And I am grateful to be here today with you and our kids... I was scared to lose you the second time from something I couldn't control... But this time I don't want to lose you ever again... I love you so much and I would love it if you would spend the rest of your life with me... Will you marry me?" I said as I looked at Jen. She didn't know what to say... She just looked at me in shock.

"I- I don't know..." Jennifer said softly and got a bit embarrassed.

Lynda stopped recording and Jennifer quickly walked away to her room.

I looked at her shocked and my sister went over and comforted me.

I looked at Susy and was shocked. "I thought everything was going well..." I said softly and looked down.

I let Jennifer cool down. My family and I moved past the situation temporarily and went to go make breakfast. While my sister and her kids were making breakfast, I decided to go check on Jen. I walked into the bedroom and asked if Lynda can step out for a bit while I talk to Jen. She accepted and left the room. I walked over to Jen and wrapped my arms around her.

"Baby... What happened...?" I asked Jen and caressed her cheek softly.

"I- we haven't talked about marriage and what went through my mind was everything that has happened... I know we are working on our relationship... But how will I know none of it will happen again... How will I know you won't turn on me again..? Alex, I am scared to get married... I would like to be with you but not be in a marriage with you... At least not yet... And when you put me on the spot like that, I felt embarrassed... I didn't know what to say and everyone was looking... I didn't know what to say also because I know that Lynda knows everything about our relationship, so When I saw her reaction to basically me rejecting you... She knew... She knows how I feel... about everything..." Jennifer said as her eyes started to get watery. She looked up at me upset.

"So to sum it up... You aren't ready because you don't trust me..?" I asked and was genuinely hurt, but it was a bit difficult for me to understand her side...

To Be continued...

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