True colors

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******Starbucks with Natasha and Alex*******

Natasha's P.O.V.

I walked into Starbucks and saw my dad. He looked very slim.. slimmer than usual and had some stubble and looked like he lost weight but in a bad way...

I sat in front of him and he looked at me and smiled.

"Hey, baby girl. I am glad you came to meet me here. I genuinely am surprised that you were able to come without your mother with you. How is she doing by the way?"  Alex said as he took a sip of his iced cold brew coffee.

"I uh, Mom is great... She took some time off work and is now with us most of the time.." I said and gulped softly, fearing that I may have said too much.

"That's great baby. How are my boys? I miss seeing them. I miss you and Ella and the other two." Alex said.

I knew that he knew who the other two were... Max and Emme.

"You mean Max and Emme?" I said and looked at him.

"Mhm..." Alex said.

I looked at him and was confused a bit still. I feel like he only wanted me to talk to him so that he can use me to get to my mom.

"So how is school going?" Alex asked and took a sip of his drink.

"Uh.. It is going pretty good, I got 2 awards for having the highest grades out of my class... And I won my school science fair competition... and Uh, so did max! We won on the same day!" I said excitedly and he nodded. He didn't seem to care much...

"So what has your mom been up to lately..? I've seen what she's been doing, only in the media but what is she really up to..?" Alex said and sounded more interested.

"I always get that question from school... can we not talk about her? I want to get to know what you have been up to because I missed you." I said and wasn't trying to be mean about changing the subject.

"If I ask you a question, you better answer it." Alex said in a low stern voice, almost sounding like he was raising his voice, but he was trying not to cause a scene.

I gulped softly and tried my best to hold myself together.

"I don't know who you are talking to, but you do not treat me like that." I said and stood up for myself even tho my feelings were hurt. But at that moment, things got worse... as if he flipped a switch.

"Ohh okay, so you want to be bold huh? I see. I don't even care anymore. I shouldn't have come and wasted my time trying to get information from a twat like you." Alex said and got up and left.

The meet up definitely ended there. I was shook and hurt... I couldn't believe he would say that to me... I did not expect that from him. I know that things are messy between him and my mom but never thought he would treat me badly.. I hope he never treated my mom like this as well...

Once we were done, I left and went back home.

I ran inside to my mom and broke down crying.

"baby, woah, woah, relax! What happened?? " Jennifer asked and was holding me close.

"Momma... you were right... He just wanted to use me to try and get to you.." I said and hugged her tightly as I kept on crying.

"baby, I am so sorry... I told you I didn't want you going to see him. But you tried and now you see the real him..." Jennifer said as she stroked my hair softly.

"I should have listened and I'm sorry... I'm so sorry." I said while crying and felt like I betrayed my mom for insisting to let me go.

"Look, it's nobody's fault except for your dads... He is the one who made you feel like this. No one is at fault okay? Don't cry because you're going to make me cry too... How about we just go play in the backyard and paint? I know painting relaxes you." Jennifer said as she kissed my forehead softly.

I nodded and we went to the backyard and went to paint while listening to chill pop music.

Jennifers P.O.V.

Tashi and I are 20 minutes into painting. I look at her and she is concentrated while painting. I stopped painting my canvas and looked at her.

"This little girl is going to be amazing when she is all grown up... She has amazing values and is kind, caring, and always generous. It's a shame her shitty father treats us like this... Especially his own daughter..." I thought to myself and sighed.

Emme walked in. "Mama, there's someone here to see you. They're at the door." Emme said and looked at me.

I looked at her. "Okay, thank you, baby. " I said and kissed her head then walked into the front door and opened it.

I gasped and could not believe it was ****

To be continued....

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