Caught in a lie or the missing truth?

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Alex's P.O.V.

The night after Jennifer told me what happened... It got me thinking. What if Ben has been coming back... What if he is here to take Jennifer away from me? I know we don't have the best past but what if he was always there in the shadows, waiting for his chance to steal my fiance...

I sat in my office trying to do some work but was struggling to concentrate. I sat back in my chair and sighed. Jennifer walked in with a cup of tea and some toast with my favorite jam on it. She set it down on the desk then walked around the desk and sat on my lap, straddling my waist.

"Hi papi. Are you doing alright...? Do you want some help...?" She caressed my cheek and smiled sweetly at me.

"No. I am okay. Just a bit stressed from all this work..." I lied.... I had to.. I can't just blurt out what I am thinking to her. Otherwise, she will think I am worried and angry. I mean I cannot be angry because of my history with her but it's not my fault that I feel a certain way.

"Uh.. Alright... You sure you don't want help..? You know I am good at... Organizing papers..." Jennifer smirked at me, hinting she wanted to do something.

I shook my head softly.

"I- I am sure you've helped out Ben the same way you're trying to help me..." I blurted out what I was thinking by accident. I did not intend it to happen that way but it did...

"Oh... Okay... I see you are upset... But don't you think it's hypocritical of you to do that?" Jen looked at me with a smirk.

That Is odd... she never smirks when we are arguing....

"What the hell is that supposed to mean Jennifer? I know I have a past but you don't have to put it like that..."

"So then what is the deal? I don't see an issue. I was just trying to love up on my husband but now you're thinking about Ben... It's only going to get worse from here baby." She patted my shoulder and got off of me then walked out of my office.

What the actual hell...? What does she mean by that..?

I got upset and slammed my fist on the desk.

"Daddy, what's wrong?" Natasha walked into my office and sat on my lap and hugged me.

"I- nothing baby girl." I sighed and calmed down since Tashi was in my arms. I kissed her head and smiled softly then cupped her face and made her look at me.

"Promise me you'll meet the best man ever and that he won't cause you any problems." I smiled softly with tears in my eyes.

"Daddy... What are you talking about...?" Natasha looked at me with confusion.

"One day you will understand..." I whispered as I held her close to me and sighed.

She nodded softly and snuggled into me.

I got a notification on my computer screen then looked at the top right corner to see a link to a media outlet website with the headline titled "Bennifer is back on. Alex is gone and nowhere to be found"

I sighed and closed my notifications. Natasha got up and left to her room.

I opened up my notifications again and saw multiple emails from my team with most of the subjects titled "Have you seen this yet???"

I opened the first email from my assistant and saw the dozens of photos of Jennifer and Ben kissing... She was smiling at him after they pulled away. There are multiple photos of him holding her hand while at dinner.

I printed them all and put them in a yellow folder then closed the tabs on my computer and erased the history.

I put the folder with the photos in my file cabinet and locked it.

Now the real question is... How am I going to approach Jennifer..? What if she holds me accountable for kissing Jess and the whole situation...? She's just going to throw everything in my face most likely....

I sighed and headed downstairs to go look for her.

To be continued...

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