The places we could've gone...

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******FLASH BACK******

Los Angeles, Summer of 2019, Friday Night, July 19th

Jennifer's P.O.V.

I got changed and got ready to go out tonight.. Finally some me time...

"Where do you think you're going?" Alex looked at me upset.

"Out.. Just to have some me time... I just need some time to breathe.. A night to myself." I looked up at him and rubbed my arm softly then got my makeup out and got dressed.

"So am I not enough to hang out with you?" Alex insisted and crossed his arms.

"Oh please. Think about how you were the one who fucked me over. I should be asking myself that." I laughed in his face and that immediately shut him up.

I started to do my makeup and Alex looked over at me. He started to stare at me as he was thinking... God knows what he's thinking... I don't even want to know.

He sighed and walked towards me again and gripped my ass hard.

"You better not be going out with any guy. Or else." He looked down at me.

"Oh please. Are you afraid I'll go find someone better? Count your blessings papi.. because I am the only blessing In your life that stayed with your dumbass."  I snapped at him and put him in his place... AGAIN.

He smacked my ass hard and nodded softly then immediately shut his ego off and wrapped his arms around my waist. He softly gripped my breasts and massaged them.

"You're right... I'm sorry.." He whispered in my ear.

"That's what I thought." I snapped.

He stood behind me as I continued to do my makeup and hair. Snuggled into me and holding me from behind as he continued to massage my breasts the whole hour that I was doing my makeup.

Once I finished my makeup and hair, he finally got off of me and kissed my head then left the room.

I sighed in relief and looked at myself in the mirror one last time before I go.

I left to go downstairs and say my goodbyes to the kids.

My car was waiting for me outside, I walked to the car and got in. Beside me was Ben.

"Hello, Jenny. I didn't think you'd actually show." He chuckled softly and wrapped his arm around me.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Mama needs a day out to herself."

"Of course. I understand."

The car ride with Ben was silent. But in a good way. I snuggled into him. Everything just felt perfect at the moment...

Sucker by the Jonas Brothers was playing on the radio.

Ben leaned in and whispered in my ear..

"I'm a sucker for you..." He kissed my earlobe softly and smirked.

I gulped softly and bit my lip and stayed quiet.

Once we arrived to the restaurant, we quickly went inside and went straight to our table.

The waitress greeted us and took our drink orders.. Once we ordered our drinks, Ben and I started to chat some more.

"So how have things been between you and Alex....? I heard about what happened through Leah..."

"Ugh. Of course. Well... Today was an amazing day with Alex and the kids... It's been a little tough trying to have a good day with him... It was only a few months ago since Alex cheated on me with Jess.... We are trying to work it out but it's just been tough."

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