A bond that will never break

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"Can we talk please?" The man said.

"Talk about what? There's nothing to talk about." Jennifer said.

"I miss you. I miss us." The man said.

"Alex, I'm in a good place in my life right now. I don't need you back in it to fuck me over again." Jennifer said and was about to slam the door on him. Alex stopped her, even though he got his fingers smashed in the process.

"Jennifer stop this please. I just want to talk to you. I want to show you that I've changed. Please just let's have a normal mature conversation." Alex begged.

Jennifer didn't know what to say. She looked at him and all the memories of her being abused started to come back. She stared at him as everything started to come back to her, it caused her to tear up. A tear streamed down her face.

Alex tried to wipe away her tear away, but Jennifer thought that he was gonna hit her so she caught his arm immediately and twisted it behind him and pinned him against the wall hard.

Alex groaned in pain. "Jennifer I wasn't trying to do anything but wipe your tear. Please stop before you break my arm." He said calmly.

"How do I know you weren't going to try anything?? How do I know you weren't going to hit me???" She yelled at him.

At that moment, Tashi saw that Jen was hurting her dad. She ran over to them and pulled her away.

"What are you doing??" Tashi yelled.

"Tashi... I thought he was-" Jen tried to explain to her but she didn't realize that Tashi didn't know about the abuse and cheating. "I.. never mind... sorry..." She said softly and looked down.

"Mom what is wrong with you? You haven't talked to me in 6 months and you pull this on dad??" Tashi said and was upset.

"Baby... I just needed time apart from your dad..." Jennifer said..

"Even from us too? Do you know how upsetting it is to hear Emme talk about you all the time and all the fun things you guys do? I just listen and act like everything is okay. She tells me everything about you and keeps me updated. It hurts me so much that my own mom doesn't keep contact with me, let alone, my second mom who I'm actually close to... well use to be close to." Tashi said as she started to tear up.

Alex stood there and looked at Jennifer. He looked at Tashi and sighed softly. "Jennifer doesn't want us here.. it's fine... come on, let's go home.." He said to Tashi.

"Tashi... you can stay over... you can join the cocos and I for a movie night and a sleepover. Alex, you can go. Let me spend time with my baby then maybe we can talk..." Jennifer said and pulled Tashi into a hug and wiped her tears away.

Alex nodded softly and said bye to Jennifer and his daughter then left.

"You get to see your little brothers.. Ivan and Elias. They've been wanting to see their big sister." Jennifer said and kissed Tashi's head. Tashi smiles and hugged Jen tightly again. Jen led her inside to see the babies.

"Can I hold them...?" Tashi said softly.

"Yes baby, of course you can." Jen Tashi picked up Ivan first and hold him close. They had an immediate bond already. Ivan held onto his big sisters finger as he stared up at her. He kicked his legs excitedly and smiled softly.

"He looks so much like you and dad. But he has more features of you." Tashi said sweetly and stared into Ivan's cute little green eyes.

Jen smiled at her and carefully picked up Elias and held him close. She sat beside Tashi.

"Listen... I know we haven't spoken in a while... but there was never a day that I didn't think of you. Emme would tell when when you guys would hang out at school and what not. I missed seeing your little smile and hearing your little giggle.. I will never ignore my little princess. Don't ever think that. You, Emme, and I are the little girl pact that can never be broken. I love you alway baby. Always. Don't ever forget that. I still have presents for you from Christmas and your birthday. I'll let you open them later." Jennifer said and kissed Tashis head softly. She smiled at her and they hung out with the babies then the cocos came downstairs and watched a movie with them.

To be continued...

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