Reality check

487 18 3

Jennifer's P.O.V.

Alex was still being an ass but just didn't know why... I sighed softly as I glanced over at him as he slept beside me. He reaches under my shirt and gripped my breast as he slept. Typical. He only wants to grope me but never want to talk.

I slowly pulled away and went to go take a shower. I took off my clothes and turned on the water. Alex woke up and was looking at me. I looked in the mirror at my body. I had bruises on my legs still and I had a bruise on my arm and some on my hip from falling all the time... Alex came up behind me and he wrapped his arms around me and pushed his bulge against me. He gripped my bare breasts with his huge hands. He shook my breasts and played with them. I let him because I didn't want to argue with him.

"Can we go out today..? Just you and I..?" I said softly and was nervous hoping he'd say yes.

"Anything you want." Alex said and smacked my ass hard leaving a huge hand print. I then stepped into the shower and started to wash my body.

After I showered, I dried off and went to get dressed.

(She had everything on except for the glasses and shoes

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(She had everything on except for the glasses and shoes. She work white Jimmy Choo heels.)

I looked in the mirror and my baby bump was showing. I smiled softly and rubbed my belly softly. My ass looked amazing in these pants. And my breasts looked like they were going to pop out fo this top. It's only because I'm pregnant.

Alex walked in and was dressed in a white T-shirt and some dark blue jeans with some timbs. He looked at me and chuckled. "You're not going out like that. You look like a complete slut. Showing off your breasts while pregnant." He said and shook his head.

I looked at him and felt my confidence drop from a 75 to a zero... I don't feel confident because I feel like a whale half of the time and this time I actually thought I looked good for once...

"Thanks for the insult. But I don't care. I'm carrying your children so don't blame me for my body being like this when you planted the seed." I said as I snapped and did my makeup.

Alex pushed my arm so I'd smudge my lipgloss. I looked at him and kicked him hard in the leg.

"Fuck with me again. I'll put your ass in check." I said in my Bronx accent and snapped at him again. Alex got angry and walked away. 2 hours later I finished my makeup and hair.

I walked downstairs to Alex and he was waiting for me impatiently.

"Took you long enough just to look the same." Alex said but didn't mean it.

"Fuck you." I said and punched him hard in the arm. Alex smacked me over the head hard and messed up my hair.

I got angry and kicked him in the leg harder than I did earlier. I walked to the car and he followed.

We went out to eat at our favorite place.

At the restaurant

A waiter walked up to us and asked me first what I wanted.

"I'm kind of still deciding.." I said as I looked up at the extremely hot waiter and softly but my lip.

"How about you try this off our menu.." he said as he pointed to my favorite plate that I always get, chicken Chinese salad and a plate of sticky rice with orange chicken. He looked into my eyes and gave me a flirty smile.

Alex noticed and he reached over and held my hand then leaned in and kissed my hand. The waiter and I kept looking at each other and we were caught in each other's gaze for a few seconds.

"I guess I'll do that.. hm I always get that... I guess you already know what I like.." I said as I smiles cutely at him and winked.

"Well I can tell what you like easily... you seem like a woman with taste..." The waiter said to me and winked back.

"I do like me a taste of something..." I said and glanced at his bulge. He smirked at me then looked at Alex. Alex ordered what he wanted. The waiter left and Alex sat closer to me and cupped my face and kissed me passionately. He was extremely jealous that someone was actually giving me attention..

Throughout the whole dinner, Alex kept apologizing for what he did and told me I was the most beautiful woman and telling me that I'm his first love and he showered me with love and kisses. Which was rare because he's always yelling at me or hitting me.

After that dinner he stopped being an asshole and started to actually care about me and he did everything he could to make me happy. He gave me more back rubs, rubbed my feet, sent flowers to me while I was working, he even started cooking and doing everything.

Maybe reality finally settled in for him and he realized how he treated me. But I like this new Alex and I don't want it to end...

To be continued...

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