Nothing Compares to you

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A few days after Alex had the nightmare, he has been spending time more with Jennifer and has always been around her more than usual. Jennifer didn't mind it because she just assumed that Alex missed her from when she was gone to get surgery and chemo. She has no clue that Alex had the dream because he hasn't mentioned it to her yet but it has made Jen wonder why he's been so needy.

Jennifer's P.O.V.

I just finished some conference calls and sat back in my office exhausted. I spent all morning doing nothing but having call after call. I decided to take a break and call Leah on facetime. I called her from my laptop and she answered right away.

"What up babes." Leah said and smiled. She was in bed with Angelo and was cuddled up with him.

"Hey, girl. Whatcha doing?" I asked Leah.

"Nothing much. Just been cuddling with my hubby and watching movies all morning. Sofia is gone and at a friend's house so we have been spending quality time together." Leah said as Angelo smiled at her and kissed her head.

"Hey Jen, when are you coming back to LA and visiting us?" Angelo asked and smiled at the camera.

"Ohh that sounds like fun! I don't know Ang. I've been here in the Hamptons just spending time with Alex and the kids. Just like on a mini-break from reality and everything... So I don't know if I am up to travel yet but I will definitely be going to LA next month for business so I will stop by for sure so that our families can do something together." I said and smiled.

"That would be fun! I'm down. Just hit us up whenever." Angelo said and smiled then looked back at the tv and continued to watch the movie.

"Alright, will do." I said and smiled.

"So what is going on sista." Leah asked.

"Nothing, I just had a question. Well not really but listen to this... So lately, Alex has been super close and more needy than usual... and I can't seem to figure out why... I know we are trying to get closer and what not... But I swear, he's at the point where he follows me everywhere and constantly asks me if I'm okay or if I need anything... Like I appreciate it but it is just more than usual.." I said I combed my hair with my fingers and sighed softly.

"Well, it sounds like he is just being a normal human being and wants to take care of his wife?" Leah said sarcastically.

"Nooo, but what I mean is that he's around me more often.. like always hovering over me... Like you know what I mean?" I asked and was a bit confused in trying to explain myself.

"So like more like taking care of you more often and being like a helicopter parent type of deal or what...?" Leah asked and understood what I meant but wasn't sure if she was on the right page.

"Yes, like that but kind of different." I said.

"I apologize for butting in but can I give my point of view as a guy and what I think based on the situation you are in?" Angelo asked politely.

"Please, go right ahead," I said and listened closely.

"Alright, since you just got back with Leah and technically it was like a little hiatus but for a good reason, Alex might feel like he needs to do more for you because he probably thinks that you are tired all the time from the chemo. I'm sure he has good intentions and is not trying to make you feel uncomfortable but he probably just misses you and wants to make sure everything is okay and that you are feeling right... Also, he may be worried about your overall health because he is afraid to lose you. I mean let's say what happened to you, happened to Leah. I would be constantly around Leah and be afraid to leave her side for a second because I would be traumatized if the love of my life left again because of a health issue. In marriage you care for your spouse in sickness and in health... and maybe Alex is in that state where he knows he has to take care of you until you are back on your feet completely."  Angelo said as he suggested what may be going on.

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