Love once, Love Always

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It had been a few hours since Alex's proposal went down south. He gave Jen sometime to think before they talk again.

After spending some family time, Alex's brother and Jen's sister took the kids out to the park to go have fun and play.

Alex went to go check on Jen. He walked over to the kitchen and she was getting some water. They were the only two in the kitchen.

"Hey, baby... Can we talk..? I know we talked earlier but I just want to know where we stand exactly. Um... I wanted to apologize for earlier and I am sorry for embarrassing you and for putting you on the spot... You were right... We should have talked about it.. and I am sorry for not bring it up... I just thought that it was the right time.. and I even got permission from your parents..." Alex said softly.

Jennifer looked at him and listened as she was drinking her water. She set her bottle down and looked up at him.

"Well... I just... I do trust you, but I just don't know if the past will ever come back... I know I act like everything is fine, but Alex... I am traumatized... I know you have been trying to prove yourself to me that you have changed... But I just feel like I need more time... I need more time to see your growth... I appreciate you being more open with me about things but I just would like to see more of you.." Jennifer said softly and was a bit nervous.

What Jen said stood out to Alex and made him reflect for a few seconds about everything that has happened with their relationship. He looked at her and nodded softly and sighed softly.

"I understand where you are coming from.. and I wish I can take it back... I hurt you and I am sure the kids probably feel the same way... I think we should maybe have a talk with them as well and treat them as mature adults and discuss how they feel and let them in... I am sure they are wondering what is going on... But I just want them to feel included in seeing my growth as well. I owe it to the kids and you... most importantly..." Alex said and got a bit emotional. He looked away and wiped his tears away.

"Thank you... I appreciate it..." Jennifer said softly and kissed his cheek. She held him close and rubbed his back. "I just want to love the man I fell in love with... But an improved version..." She added as she said softly.

"I want to be the man you deserve and the father the kids deserve.." Alex said softly and kissed her head.

They got changed and left to the park to go join the kids and spend time with them.

The next day...

Alex and Jennifer were in the movie room, snuggled up together and watching a movie. They were watching Just Friends.

Alex looked over at Jen and caressed her cheek softly. Jennifer looked at him and smiled softly. He leaned in and kissed her. Emme and Max walked in slowly and caught them.

"Ooohhh! No kissing in the movie theater!" Emme said and laughed. They ran up to them and sat in their laps and cuddled them. The rest of Jen's family and Alex's family joined them in the movie theater.

A few hours later... It was dinner time.

Jennifer, Lynda, and Susy were in the kitchen making dinner and were making small talk.

"So Jen... I was just wondering, but how are you feeling after yesterday..? Are you alright? I'm assuming you and Alex never talked about marriage..." Susy said as she was cooking.

"Um... Well, you are correct. Spot on to be exact.. I just feel okay? I don't know. It was just a lot to take in especially with everything that has happened and I just feel like I am not ready yet..? I just don't think I will be until Alex and I both grow a bit more.." Jennifer said as she tried to keep it simple and short, trying not to give out too much information.

"Oh, wow. Typical Alex.. He always jumps to conclusions. He's always done that. I just am Sorry he put you on the spot like that." Susy said and turned down the stove a bit then gave her attention to Jen.

"It's alright.. I just think everyone always expects the girl to say yes all the time, but some girls are just not ready, and not that many people realize that.. But I appreciate your support." Jen said and smiled softly then gave Susy a hug.

"I just think that there is just so much that has gone down this year and you guys just never talked about marriage.. Because since you and I always talk.. From what I know, you guys have been doing so good and I see more growth within you and some with Alex. I don't know if anyone has told you this.. But I am proud of you.. I am proud to have seen what you have overcome and bounced back from. You literally have shown that you can get through anything.. I love you." Lynda said.

The words "I am proud of you" made Jen tear up. She gets more emotional when she hears it from her family.

"Lynda... You're making me emotional... Thank you.." Jen said as she slowly started to ugly cry. She hugged Lynda tightly and kissed her cheek.

"Oh get in here Susy. You're like a sister to us." Jen said to Susy as she was standing there being left out. Susy smiled and joined the hug. They pulled away a few seconds later. Jen wiped away her tears and continued to make dinner with Lynda and Susy.

Once dinner was served, everyone sat around the table. Alex was sitting near Jen.

Just before everyone was about to start eating. Alex stood up and tapped his glass lightly with a butter knife, getting everyone's attention.

Everyone looked at him and gave him their undivided attention. "Hello, I just wanted to clear the air and say that I know yesterday did not go as planned but, I just wanted to say that it's okay.. The highlight of my day was spending time with my family.. I am just so happy to have my family and the girl I love by my side. I love you all and I love you, Jennifer... I love our family and our kids... Whether we are married or not... You will always be the girl I love and the woman of my dreams. I love you all and thank you for being amazing." Alex said and smiled.

"I love you... forever and Always." Jennifer said as Alex sat down.

"I love you too." Alex said and smiled.

"How sweet. We love you guys so much!" Lynda said and smiled.

The rest of the dinner was filled with laughs and lots of love.

To be continued...

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