"Lady Ying Yue... Wasn't she the one who took down those guards?" the same two girls who shamed me were whispering to each other.

        "How did a lower-class farm girl get such a high title in a span of only a few months?" another had muttered. "I've had the same title for almost two years now!"

        "His Majesty dotes on her, isn't that right? Does she have any talents besides fighting?"

        "I don't know. All I know is that dancing isn't her talent..."

       "She needs to teach me some lessons. How did she end up ranking higher than me?"

        "Enough speaking!" the agitating voice barked at us.

        The Empress Dowager, with her two eunuchs accompanying her from the side and twelve maids behind her, walked towards us. The guqin music that a concubine was stringing along, immediately stopped when the supreme woman interrupted our chattering.

        "Peace and longevity to the Empress Dowager." We all bowed and greeted in unison.

        "The Empress didn't come here to enforce bullying and harassment," she said. "Neither did I. I also didn't come here to expect to witness a high-ranking consort—who deserved it—being ridiculed."

        There was stillness.

        My body stiffened once she strutted towards me. I tilted my head to the right to avoid eye contact with her. After what had happened yesterday night, I felt tensed being in the presence of the Emperor's mother.

        Oh my God. She was technically my mother-in-law. That's weird. When every concubine's neck was craned for their heads to bow in shame, nobody burst into apologetic chaos like any other time. The Empress Dowager cleared her throat before naming all the concubines' names that ran their mouth about me. "Diligence Hall, immediately. I hope all six of you enjoy sewing and tailoring winter clothing."

        "But, Your Majesty! That job is for servants! I only sew mine!"

        "I don't want to get my hands dirty, Your Majesty!"

        "Please, reconsider your decision! This won't happen again!'

       "One more word and I'll personally have you three lashed," the Empress Dowager raised her voice. She sighed. "Practice is over, everyone who is not the six girls can leave."

        Everyone began bustling to leave. The instruments were carried out, concubines adjusted their clothing, the six bullies were led by the eunuchs to work, and I was about to leave as well. Before I could even make it to the exit, I hesitated before looking behind my shoulder. "Thank you, Your Majesty, for standing up for me." I bowed.

        She was slumped on a chair, with a scroll in her hand. The Empress Dowager looked invested in it before she gave me a quick look and frowned. "No need to thank me."

        "I'll take my leave now." I bowed before I speed-walked out of the hall.

        Maybe I'll take back what I said about the Empress Dowager. She's not that bad. I mean, yes, she might've punished an hour of kneeling on me—which I'd rather do than craft clothing, and gave me a sort of back-handed compliment, but she saved me. She also saved the girls because I would've connected my fists with their jaws. But either way, I was very thankful for the Emperor's mother.

       The strong winds struck my face in mere seconds, which had me taken aback. It was getting so cold that I had to dash back to the harem. I continued jogging, my feet hitting the ground hard.

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