Chapter 19

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Nyomi's POV

This whole date has been nothing but a good time. I don't think I could forget him or this day. There were so many wonderful things to remember about this day and he helped make it special. Naz was starting to do something to me and I'm not sure if I like it. The feelings I get around him is something I never felt around anyone else.

The whole date has been a surprise to me and I'm not even into surprises. This entire trip I have been getting nothing but the best treatment and I knew he had to be a very successful man to have everything together like this. A big part of me wondered what he did for a living but I knew he would most likely tell me in due time. I didn't want to seem pushy or appear as if I was rushing things.

I drew in a quick breath because everything on this island was so beautiful. Since I've arrived on this island I've been blinking twice and pinching myself to make sure what I was seeing was real. The sea breeze felt cool against my skin. The sand in between my toes brought a sense of relaxation upon me. My body was completely as ease while I took everything in. As we approached the shoreline, there was an all white yacht docked on waiting for us.

"Whats this for?" I asked in confusion.

"It's for us beautiful. I wanted us to end our night with dinner on a yacht." My heart was racing because no one has ever done anything like this for me. "Oh no I can't, this is all too much for a first date." Naz twisted his face up and took a few moments before answering. "Listen sweetheart this is nothing to me. I really think I like you Ny so this is the least I can do. You're worth it." My heart melted into a thousand pieces after hearing those sweet words.

"Well how can I say no after that. I think I like you too but this is new to me." I stopped talking not wanting to finish the sentence. "Yeah I know what you mean baby girl because I'm not the relationship type either." By this time we were on the boat and seated at a the front so we could see the view of the ocean. There was a table covered in white satin cloth with two seats for us. As we sat down I tried to continue my thought. "No I mean I've never been in a relatinship."

He spit out the water the waiter had just poured into his glass. "Im sorry you said what?" My cheeks were getting flustered and I'm happy I'm dark skinned or else you would've been able to see how hard I was blushing. "I mean I've never had a boyfriend or a first kiss." I added deciding to throw it all out there.

"This is a shock to me. I knew you were a good girl but I didn't know you were a good girl, good girl."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I cocked my head to the side getting a little offended by his remark.

"Oh Nothing." He took a second to lick his juicy pink lips. "You ready to order?"

Dinner was nice and we were able to watch the sunset. The experience was ten times better on yacht because you're actually on the water as its happening. You can't get the same feeling on shore. I didn't know what I wanted to order and was feeling a little shy so I let Nasheed pick. It took him no time to find something for us to eat.

He signaled the waiter. "Can I get two orders of pan-seared filet mignon, garlic butter mash potatoes with a side of grilled asparagus." The waiter began to walk away to give the cook our order when Naz stopped him. "Oh yeah and bring me a bottle of the most expensive champagne on this island." The waiter added it to the order on his note pad and was off again.

"Champagne? Someone's feeling fancy tonight."

"Yeah cause its a celebration baby, don't you think?" He countered raising his empty glass up acting like he was preparing to do a toast.

"What are we celebrating?" I asked innocently.

"Us?" I was confused by his words. I knew we were on a date but I didn't know it was cause for a celebration. We weren't serious or anything and I haven't even kissed him yet. He put his glass down and sat up straight. "To our future journey. I know I've only known you for a few days but I know I'm going to be keep you around. I want to celebrate you and me but mostly you. We haven't been around each other much but I can tell you're different than any other girl I've met. I don't know how to explain it, its just something about you." He looked away a bit embarrassed by admitting all that to me.

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