Chapter 1

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Nyomi's POV
BAM! BOOM! POW! Was all I needed to hear to make my feet start running against the hard floor. Running as fast as I could, I tried to pinpoint the cause of the commotion. Unfortunately, nights like these were a regular thing for me and honestly I was starting to get fed up.
"Phil, can you come down here and give me a hand?" I said into my earpiece while trying to decide whether to break up the fight by myself or wait on backup.

In front of me were two men fighting and my job as securtiy was to diffuse situations like this but this fight looked like more than I could handle. One of them looked to be about 6'2 and he had his dreads pulled back into a braid. His skin was a very light complexion and he was wearing an all black armani suit.

Who the FUCK comes to a strip club in a suit?

The other man was hard to get a good look at because the flashing club lights hid him very well. It was obvious the man with dreads was infuriated and you could see the rage in his burning hazel eyes. As I continued to scan him I could see his lip was busted and his white tie was soaked with blood. Before I could continue my thoughts I saw a bottle come crashing down on his head. This is when I realized I couldn't wait on Phil to come because these men were seriously about to kill each other.

Stupid men with their terestone and oversized ball of an ego, I thought to myself as I ran over to the scene. I had no idea how I was going to break them up. Thankfully I didn't need to because just as I got over there, a symphony of gunshots rang out from the other end of the club causing a stampede of people to start running in every direction.

"PHIL WHERE ARE YOU? WHO'S SHOOTING?" I said frantically into my earpiece hoping my coworker was safe. Phil was a nice guy and we clicked right away when I first started working at the strip club as security. He stood about 6"4 and from looking at him you could tell he was no one to fuck with.

"Stay where you are." He said in a firm voice. "I'm coming to get you because I don't want to risk your little ass getting hurt." I mentally rolled my eyes at his statement. Sometimes I wondered what I was doing being security at a strip club. I'm only 5'5 and wouldn't stand a chance defending myself if something serious broke out like it currently is happening.

It didn't take long before I spotted Phil making his way toward me quickly. "Are you okay? Did anybody hurt you?" He wore a look of concern as he took me up to the office for safety. "Yeah I'm fine, what the fuck is going on?" I said. "People are acting too crazy tonight and I'm convinced the fight breaking out and gunshots were no accident." I continued as I made my way over to a brown couch seated in the corner of the office.

"I have not the slightest clue but I've already notified the boss and he told me he would look at the camera footage when he returned from his business trip out of town." Phil told me. "Boss wants me to close the club down until he comes back and gets to the bottom of this." Phil at this point was pacing back and forth in the small office.

I knew my boss had to be mad because he would be spending quite a bit of money on damages from tonight's catastrophe. The boss was not a man I came across often and now that I'm thinking about it I couldn't remember the last time I came face to face with him. He was a man of few words and lived a very private life. Phil was the only person I knew who actually saw him on a regular.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I checked my phone and noticed it was near four in the morning. I guess Phil noticed me yawning and offered to walk me to the car. By now the club was empty but I was still a little shaken so I didn't reject his offer.

Maybe it was because I was tired or not paying attention but all I remember is turning around to tell Phil bye but instead I was met with blackness....

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