Chapter 3

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Nyomi's POV

Shocked filled me at the sight of the person standing in front of me. I didn't enough how wide my mouth was open until I heard. "Pick your fucking lip up." I shot the woman with the Queen Latifah Set It Off braids a nasty look.

"Boss?" Was the only word I could get out. He was just as confused as me as to why I was here. There were a million questions going through me head because I didn't understand why my boss from the strip club was here as I was being held hostage.

Was he behind all this crazy mess happening to me?

The silence was broken when he asked the other man in the room "Is this the right girl?" He questioned looking at me with an unreadable expression. "I'm positive boss." The man who threatened me earlier replied. "You wanted the girl Traco described and she fits the description."

"Well." My boss spoke. "It seems as if we've run into a problem." I sat there in silence waiting for him to finish. "The man you saw in the club is a very dangerous man. No one has ever lived after seeing his face." He goes to sit down in a chair and sparks a blunt before continuing. "I know to you I may seem as if I'm just your boss but the truth is, I'm a man who's involved in a lot of illegal things."

"I usually am I able to keep most of my dirty business out of my club because that's the only clean money I have at the moment. I don't want to do this because you're innocent in all of this. Now honestly I came to this Warehouse to kill you because Traco wants you dead." He then stands up and pulls out a wad of cash and hands it to me. "I actually like you lil mama so I'll make a deal with you."

"The minute you get out of this warehouse, you need to leave the state and start over somewhere." He gave me a serious look. "I would tell you more but the less you know the better it is for you." It was damn near impossible for me to imagine myself starting over. I barely had shit now at the age of 20. At this point my mind was racing but I knew after everything I just went through, staying in New York wasn't an option anymore.

"But wait." I paused. "Who's Traco?"

"I'm sorry sweetheart but I can't tell you that kind of information because it will put you in deeper shit then you're already in." He said while shaking his head.

"I don't even think I saw him because I only saw a guy with dreads in a suit." I said frantically trying to make sense of all of this. I mean I couldn't drop my whole life and move away to another state and start over. New York is the only place I've know all my life.

"At this point it doesn't matter if you saw him or not because he saw you and he doesn't like to leave behind witnes-." He couldn't finish because at that moment the floor shook violently. A bunch of men with AK-47's, Mac-11's, Glocks and 9's rushed through the door in all black. "BOSS!" One of them said. "THE WAREHOUSE IS UNDER ATTACK, WE'VE BEEN BOMBED."

It's like everyone forgot about me for a moment because they all ran out the door to go meet the intruders. It didn't take long for me to realize this was my chance to get the fuck out of this place. I ran to the door and began to fear what could be waiting on the other side for me. Pushing my fears to the back of my mind, I slowly opened the door before taking off running blindly looking for an exit. I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard voices coming my way. Not wanting to be caught I ran the opposite direction and ducked into the first room I came across.

The amount of gunshots I heard made my ears ache. I couldn't wait to be out of this place. Once the voices passed and it was clear I began my venture to look for the exit again. I went down a flight of stairs making sure to stay low so I couldn't be seen. The amount of smoke filling the air was ridiculous but it helped keep my cover. I was extremely lucky I wasn't spotted or didn't come across any dead bodies because that was something I wasn't ready for. After what felt like minutes of looking I finally found my door to freedom. My legs wouldn't stop moving once I reached the door. I couldn't wait to get far from this place and didn't even bother giving it a second glance as I left. There were so many unanswered questions I was left with but there was no time left for me to try and process things.

All or Nothingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें