Chapter 4

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*Alyssa in top picture

Nyomi's POV

Running like a bat out of hell I made my way towards my apartment.

I got to get the fuck out of here!

Barging though the front door I wasted no time going to my room to start packing. "Alyssaaaaa." I called out.

Alyssa is a longtime friend of mine. I've known her since high school and I met her my freshman year during gym class. We both never like exercise so we never participated and spent most of our time against the law watching time pass. One day she came up to me to tell me she liked my purse. We instantly clicked after that and have been close ever since.

Alyssa was a light complexion compared my smooth dark chocolate skin. Her face was round with pouty lips that went perfectly with it. Alyssa's hair was jet black hair and her eyes were dark brown. She was tall and skinny with a petite frame. Even though she was skinny with small breasts, she had a nice plump ass you couldn't miss. You could easily mistake her for a model because of how gorgeous she was. I often wondered why she never pursued a modeling career because everyone told her she could be one.

Alyssa and I had a very different childhood. She came from a home with two successful parents. Her dad was a business man while her mom was a plastic surgeon. Her parents always made sure she had the finest things in life. My parents on the other hand were both dead. I never knew much about them or even met them before. As far as family members, I've never heard of or met them either. The only place I knew as home was the orphanage until I turned 18. I'm the definition of self raised because I taught myself everything I know.

And I still barely know shit but that's besides the point right now...

I never really built close relationships with people in my life, Alyssa was the only exception. Don't get me wrong I had associates but it never went further than a hi and bye. I've also never had a boyfriend or my first kiss but I do love to party. Lately, I've cut back on it to focus on bettering my life but I took the job as club security so I could still be around the scene even if I wasn't participating.

"Why are you yelling like you lost your damn mind?" Alyssa said with a red lollipop in her hand. "You almost made me choke on my favorite flavor."

"Girl this is not a time for games. Get a suitcase and pack as much as you can." I stressed to her with a raised voice so she could see the seriousness of the situation.

"Are you going to tell me what the fuck is going on or where we're going?" Alyssa was no longer enjoying her lollipop but was now staring at me with wide dark brown eyes.

"We're leaving." I told her flatly. In all honesty I had no idea where we were going or what to tell her because I barely knew myself. All I remember was my boss telling me to leave and start over.

"Oh no the fuck you didn't just say that bullshit." She cocked her head to the side and scrunched up her face. "I mean you were gone all lastnight and didn't answer a single call or text. Now you come in here talking about some we're leaving. I mean where were you lastnight? I was worried about you!"

All her lecturing had my head pounding even more than it already was. Not being able to take it anymore I finally stopped packing and turned toward her. "Look…." I started but before I could continue I suddenly burst out into a fit of tears. These weren't regular tears.

These were those hyperventilating, can't breathe, where's my inhaler, snotty nose tears.

I think she understood how serious the situation was because she stopped talking and hugged me. Breaking the silence I took a deep breath. "I'll tell you everything I know once we're out of the state."

"Okay but where are we going?" She had an understanding sound in her voice.

"Uh, I'm not sure yet. I'll know by the time we reach the airport." I could see the worry in her eyes but I needed her trust me. Without anymore questions Alyssa went to go pack her bag. A few minutes she returned with a big suitcase and a small carry-on.

"You ready?" She had a little excitement in her voice which I found strange.

"Yeah." I replied making my way out the door and down the stairs to Alyssa's car. Throwing our bags in trunk, we got in her 2020 all white Audi R8 Coupe and made our way to the airport.

I told you this girl was spoiled as fuck.

The car ride was filled with a comfortable silence. I spent most of the time thinking about where I want to start over at and what I wanted to do my life. We arrived at the airport and made our way inside. A nice a lady greeted us at the terminal. "How may I helped you two today?" She wore a bright smile on her face. Without answering Alyssa looked me because we both knew this was my decision.

Giving my attention to the nice lady. "Two tickets to Los Angeles California please." I said as I returned her smile.

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