Chapter 6

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Nyomi's POV

Alyssa and I decided to go see a movie today. Today was my day off and Alyssa didn't have any plans. Madea's Funeral just came to theaters and I thought it would be a good idea to go watch something funny. I didn't want to be crying my eyes out by the end of the movie.

"Okay but I met this really nice girl while I was working out the other day and I kind of want to invite her." Alyssa informed me as we were both getting ready. I decided to wear a Chanel dress with a pair of Lious Vuitton sandals. Of course what I was wearing was a gift Alyssa bought for me because I couldn't afford expensive clothes like this. My kinky hair was pulled back into a cute bun with my edges slicked down. It was too hot outside for me to straighten my hair. Alyssa decided to be more simple and wore a custom made daretobevintage outfit by Shane Justin. She had her hair pulled back into a sleek ponytail with red lipstick to top it off. You would've swore we were going on a hot date by how dressed up we were.

Not thinking anything of it. "Go ahead and invite her because we need more friends here anyways." I told her while applying clear lip gloss on my lips.

"Great, I'll let her know to meet us there. I think her name is Sheila or something like that." Alyssa said with an excited grin.

After we were done we got in the car. We were blasting music having a good time until Alyssa turned down the radio. "You know Nyomi I was worried when we first made the crazy decision to move here." She took a quick glance at me while continuing to drive.

"Yeah me too." I added in not sure where she was going with conversation.

"Being here in LA really has changed my mind. I know I'm spoiled but I think I want to do something with my life. I don't know if it's going to school or modeling yet."

I was happy at the positive things my bestfriend was telling me. I've always wanted us to be more than just pretty girls. "I'm happy you're thinking about doing something and you still have time to make a decision. Maybe you could even do both."

She gave my hand a tight squeeze. "Thanks Nyomi. I knew you would say the right words. Sometimes I feel like I'm too dumb to create my own success in life. That's why it's easier for me to live off my parents." She said as we pulled into the parking lot of the theaters.

"You're far from stupid Alyssa and you don't know what you're capable of until you try. Plus I'm here to help if you ever need it." She gave me a sheepish smile and then her phone went off.

"She's here." Alyssa looked around for Shiela. "There she is." She pointed to light skin short girl whose face looked all too familiar. Sheila chilling outside of her white BMW with a smile on her face.

I stayed silent as we went in to pay for our tickets

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I stayed silent as we went in to pay for our tickets. My mind couldn't process how Alyssa took a liking to Sheila because from how she was acting in Footlocker over that Eli guy, she wasn't good news. I wasn't even trying to talk to him and she acted rude towards me.

Alyssa must have noticed the tension between us because we didn't greet each other. Looking from me to Sheila and back to me she said. "Have you two met before? Is there something I need to know?" I stayed silent waiting on Sheila to explain because technically she was the one who didn't like me. I didn't have a problem with the girl.

"Nah we cool." Sheila replied with crossed arms and a hint of an attitude. "This bitch just likes to steal other people's baby daddies."

"Hold up." Alyssa stepped in between us. "Let me get this straight. You don't like my bestfriend over a no good man." She cocked her head to the side waiting on a response.

Sheila scoffed. "She shouldn't have been eyeing my man trying to get his number."

Oh no she didn't just lie like that.

Alyssa already knew I wasn't that type of person which is why she was defending me so hard. I mean even I haven't had my first kiss or a boyfriend yet. "I was not trying to talk to him, he was the one trying to talk to me." I glared at her.

"Look Sheila, it seems to me as if your man is the problem and you need to go check him instead of my bestfriend." Alyssa crossed her arms and was tapping her foot against the ground. "I'm pretty sure Nyomi doesn't want your cheating ass boyfriend." I think she knew Alyssa was right because she stayed silent.

"Our movie started ten minutes ago and we're out here arguing. I dont have a problem with you Sheila but you can't talk crazy to my bestfriend like that. She isn't the type to try and take someone else's boyfirend." Alyssa said.

"I didn't mean to snap on you like that the other day but I'm just so used to having to fight for my man." Sheila looked down at the ground embarrassed and not wanting to make eye contact.

"It's okay." I told her because it really was to me. I wasn't interested in Eli like that.

"Good, I'm glad you guys made up." Alyssa chimed in interrupting the moment. "Can we go see our movie now?" Sheila and I both laughed. All of us were quickly able to put the past behind us as we made our way to go see the movie.

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