Chapter 15

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Nasheed's POV

"I can't believe these niggas done tried me." I hit my fist against the steering wheel in frustration. I didn't mean to leave Ny back at the house this morning but I knew she would be safe. There were maids and cooks there to make her comfortable. I had some business to handle that couldn't wait.

"Be cool." Dior said as he got in the passenger side of my black and gold 2019 BMW. "We gone get them niggas." He said stroking his beard.

"Call up Yoshn and Eli and tell them to meet us at the safe house. I don't think I can wait on this one." I was mad as fuck right now. For the past week my money and product had been coming up short. It didn't take me long to figure out someone was stealing my shit I just didn't know who, until now. One of my workers informed me that our delivery driver who makes drops for me and delivers my product off where I needed to had been betraying me. Mind you I pay this man very well for his services. This muthafucka was really doing deals with the Mexican cartel behind my back letting them come on the truck and run off with my product.

These muthafuckas had no idea who they're messing with...

I made it to the safe house in no time. Dior didn't waste a second getting out the car once we got there. He must've been sick of my reckless driving but I couldn't help it because I was mad. The safe house was a place only Dior, Eli, Yo and I know about. It wasnt big or lavish because I didn't want it to stand out too much because I needed this place to keep a low profile. The kind of shit I'm involved in isn't a joke and I have to make sure I have a place to go to when things get to hot to be at the mansion. The trap I had on the other side of town was were I handled my business and shit. I would never lay my head there.

In about fifteen minutes Eli and Yosohn showed up. "As you all know someone has been stealing my money and product. The other day I found out from a highly reliable source it is my delivery man who has been betraying me." I shook my head because I felt sorry for what I was about to do to him. I continued speaking. "I got word the delivery man is with the Mexicans right now and my tech guy just sent me his exact location." I looked at Dior, Eli and Yo with a serious expression. "So you want to make a move right now?" Eli said looking at me with a little irritation.

"Yeah matter of fact I am, problem?" I asked him puffing up my chest. I was not in the mood to be tried right now.

"I think what Eli is saying." Dior interreupted trying to diffuse the situation. "Is that it wouldn't be smart to make a move on the Mexicans without making a proper plan. Naz you know they don't fuck around."

"I ain't need you to say shit for me Sincere." Eli called Dior by his real name trying to strike a nerve. "This stupid muthafucka is trying to turn us into dog food by the end of today." Eli looked back at me like I had three heads.

"Now you know I'm not about to get us killed." I looked at Eli not breaking eye contact. "You guys coming or y'all too pussy?" I stood up heading towards the weapon room to get ready for this show down.

3rd Person POV

All four of them all drove to the location taking two seperate cars. One of the cars were parked down the street for getaway purposes and the other was stolen so it wouldnt be traced back to them. Naz picked up his guns and waited for the others to do the same. It wasn't time for them to make a move quite yet so they waited in the car for a little. Without saying a word Naz got out the car and the rest of them knew to follow suit. Suddenly everyone turned when they heard a noise but realized it was nothing.

Eli turned around without thinking and let off a bullet that grazed Dior's left ear. "Oh shit my bad." Elijah said in realization he accidentally shot his friend. Dior held his ear with a distorted look on his face. "You trigger happy muthafucka save your bullets for the niggas inside." Naz said giving Eli an irritated look. "I didn't even mean to shoot him he just caught me by surprise." Eli gave Dior a sorry look.

All four of them lined up alongside the house preparing themselves to rush in. It was late at night so the darkness helped hide them. On the count of three they rushed in the house, Naz took the lead by shooting the handle off the door. "SURPRISE MUTHAFUCKA!" Dior yelled as he pushed pass him and shot the men inside doing only head shots. Eli quickly followed up behind him shooting anything moving in sight making sure to leave no survivors.

Naz made his way up the to second floor because he knew that's where the delivery man was. He wasn't interested in anyone downstairs. All the rooms he checked were empty so far but he noticed a closed door at the end of the hall. As he was nearing the door, he never noticed the dark figure come up from behind him. Before Naz could react a shot went off.

Nasheed turned around to see the mystery figure shot in the head by no other than Yosohn. "Good looks." He said as the continued to the door. When Naz and Yosohn reached the door they could hear voices inside. Nasheed put his hand up to count to three before rushing in. On three the two boys took the door down with ease and barged in. Nasheed was finally face to face with the delivery man and the head of the Mexican cartel Antoneyo.

"Let's tie them up. I want these muthafuckas to suffer." Nasheed pulled his scalpel out of his kit because he was ready to peel both of their muffin caps back blue. "Well." Naz spoke with venom in his voice. "You have ten seconds to explain why you decided to do this dumb shit." He watched with hate in his eyes as both men began to squirm when Yosohn came back in the room with a chainsaw.

"Ten seconds up!" Yosohn called out as he severed off Antoneyo's left leg. "Aaaaahhh!" He screamed out in agony as his leg began to bleed out of control.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! YOU SOUNDING LIKE A REAL BITCH RIGHT NOW." Nasheed raised his voice in irritation. This was supposed to be fun for him but these men were ruining the mood with all their whining. "You know what, fuck it." Were the last words spoken before Naz emptied his clip into both men leaving them lifeless.

"Aah c'mon we were just getting started." Yosohn was disappointed he wasn't going to get to use his torture weapons today. "They were starting to get on my nerves with that cry baby shit." Naz began packing up everything making sure to leave nothing behind.

Yosohn and Naz headed downstairs to meet the others. There was dead bodies everywhere but it didn't bother any of them because they were use to it. "Don't forget to call the clean up crew." Naz called to Eli as they got in separate cars. "Already on it bro." They all pulled off and went to home to carry on with their lives as if nothing happened.

Nasheed, Dior, Eli and Yosohn all knew the lifestyle they were living was a fast and dangerous one but they could care less. All of them were young and living their best life so none of them could give a fuck about all the extra shit.

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