Chapter 22

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Nasheed's POV

The only reason why I stopped by my brother's house was to grab some money I had tucked away in his safe. He's one of the few people I trust with my shit. I don't really fuck with banks too much. Seeing what I do for a living you can probably guess why I like to keep my cash close to home. With the amount of money I was touching, I was starting to run out of places to put it. I was going to have to find another way to keep it safe cause I'm starting to make way more than I can spend it. How that saying go? "Mo' money mo' problems?" Well I certainly ain't mad at that I thought to myself with a little chuckle as I stuffed the cash deep in my Balmain's. These were my favorite brand of pants cause they can always fit my money with no problem.

The emergency alert on my trap phone caused me to rush out my brother's house in a hurry. Based off the text I knew exactly what was happening. I skirted off fast as hell as I made my way to trap house #10. My only hope was that I could make it there in time to prevent any more mess from going down.

Part of me is starting to think having this many different spots is not a good idea. I thought it was a cool idea at first to have many different places of operation so everything wouldn't be at one spot in case we were raided. I work very hard to make sure that doesn't happen and situations like this only increase our chances of being caught. I pulled up to trap #10 also known as "The House of Pleasure" and took a big sigh to brace myself before stepping in.

As I walk in I'm immediately greeted by Donna who's so upset she's speaking to me in Spanish. "Woah woah woah, slow down ma" I say to her as I grab her shoulders to get her full attention. "Now sweetheart you know I only understand English." I continue as I tower over her 4"11 figure. "Ah yes" She puts a hand over her forehead before saying "Lo ciento" she pauses as she remembers. "I'm sorry I meant to say" She begins to walk me further into the house. "I needed you to come over because this bitch!" She says as she pushes a door open and points to some skinny chick. "Does not listen Papi. She has to go. She's making our clients upset and she's bad for business" She begins pacing. "Naz you know how hard work I put into this place and I refuse to let this PUTA ruin it!" She yells in frustration.

In that exact moment I felt extremely confused because the chick Donna was referring to as a problem was standing there in complete silence. It was hard for me to believe that the woman I was looking at could be of any issue but as a boss I couldn't ignore an emergency text. From experience I know how emotional Donna gets if she feels like she's not being heard so I had to come. I placed my head down for a brief moment to rub my hands over my eyebrows before addressing the situation, and before I could say something, I was surprised to see the skinny chick who Donna was referring to jump across the room and land, a solid punch to Donna's right eye.

I quickly made a move to put myself in between them to de-escalate the situation but was surprised when I received a blow to my mouth. "Damn these women are ruthless" I thought to myself as I took a moment to spit and felt extremely relieved to only see blood and not my tooth on the ground. After tearing, literally I mean tearing (you know how women get when they pull hair) these two women apart. I sent the skinny one to a hotel for the night. I'm not sure what the problem was between these two women, but it would have to be sorted out tomorrow. I sent the guys a text letting them know what was going on and Dior offered to sort things out tomorrow. In that moment, I was feeling extra grateful for having Dior in my life because Lord knows I wasn't trying to get punched again.

The thing is don't mind helping being there is case of an emergency but I just wished Donna knew what the actual meaning of emergency was. Also, I do have to keep in mind she's a woman and they take drama very seriously. I made a mental note to talk to Donna about what an actual "emergency" is. After settling that situation I felt like it was time to call it a day.

Truth is me & Donna go way back. I put her in charge of my whore house because I know she's a loyal one who gone keep the money coming in by any means. Plus she was a fiery Latina and Ive always had a thing for those type of girls. Unfortunately Donna's lack of self respect was her biggest downfall and ultimately the reason why me or none of the guys took her serious. She was better off as a worker than a partner. By no means did this mean Donna was unattractive. She had shoulder length brown hair that formed into almost perfect curls with bright almond eyes that could light up any room. Her shape was bad enough to stop any man she walked by. The amount of ass and breast she possessed was just perfect. Not too much and not too little. Trust me when I say I don't look at her in that way. Plus one of the guys already smashed her but I'll save that story for another day. Plus, I don't believe in back dooring my bros.

It wasn't until I got home I realized I left my phone at his house. I was way too tired from the events of earlier today to stop back by his house and get it. I made another mental note to myself to grab it 1st thing in the morning. After my shower I changed into my Tom Ford boxers and prepared for bed. It didn't take long until I drifted off into a deep sleep.

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