Chapter 5

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Nyomi's POV

*3 months later

Waking up to the sound of my alarm I threw the covers off my body. Leaving my bed always ended up being the hardest part of my day. Making my way to the bathroom, I began my morning routine getting ready for work. Squeezing toothpaste onto my toothbrush I started brushing my teeth.

My inner thoughts were interreupted when Alyssa came in. We were the real definition of bestfriends and she constantly showed it. I mean she just walked in the bathroom and without warning, she pulled her underwear down and took a piss. This girl was entirely too comfortable around me but I didn't mind one bit.

"So what's the plans for today?" She asked finishing up and coming to wash her hands.

"Ummm, I don't know I have work til 7 but after that I'm free. We can figure something out then."

"Okay cool." She walked out shutting the door leaving me to get ready. After I was finished I grabbed the keys and started heading towards the car. Getting in Alyssa's Audi R8 Coupe, I buckled up and turned on the radio. Meek Mill Going Bad was playing and it instantly put me in a good mood. Bobbing my head, I pulled out of the driveway and made my way to work. The ride was peaceful and I was starting to be happy with the decision I made to move here.

Alyssa's parents were the only reason we were surviving out here in LA. She called her dad and told him she was moving. Without asking any questions he wired enough money to her account to buy a nice penthouse apartment and another car. She was nice enough to let me use one to get to work. Alyssa didn't have a job and I kind of don't blame her because she was spoiled rotten by her parents. The girl never had to lift a finger because one phone call to her mom or dad would make all her problems go away.

I wasn't as blessed as Alyssa and still had to work for a living so I got a job the first week we moved here. She still helped me where I needed it but I'm trying to get to a point in life where I can be independent and provide for myself.

It was also a big relief to me that I hadn't heard anything about that Traco guy since I moved. Slowly but surely I was starting to put my past behind me. Arriving at work I parked the car around back. My job wasn't the best but I wasn't complaining because I made comisssion. I worked at Footlocker which is a shoe store. Footlocker was located inside of a big mall with other stores for people to shop at. People usually come in to get the new releases but we sold many different brands.

A couple hours into my shift a very handsome man walked in.

Based on his appearance I could tell he came in here to spend some money today

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Based on his appearance I could tell he came in here to spend some money today. I was trying not to make it obvious I was staring hard at him. My mind was trying to figure out what two people came together to make his fine ass.

The smile was wiped off my face when a short light skin female with brown curly hair walked in behind him. She put her hand around his waist as if she was trying to let it be known he was hers. I really didn't care because I came into work to get a check. Making my way over to them I smiled. "Hi, can I help you in here with anything today?"

It was obvious she already wasn't feeling me because she rolled her eyes and didn't answer. He took a couple steps towards me a licked his lips while looking me up and down. "Actually I think you can with your chocolate ass."

Did he really just sexually assault me with his eyes while his girl was right there?

"You can start by giving me your name." He said with a smile. He clearly wanted a conversation because the name tag I was wearing had my name printed on it in all capital letters. I didn't get a chance to answer him because the girl I'm assuming was his girlfriend jumped in. "Are you being serious right now Eli?"

"Man chill out." He told her without taking his eyes off me. I think my manager heard the commotion because she came over to where I was. "Is everything okay?" She said with concern.

"Yeah, we all good." The man who was referred to as Eli told my manager. After she left he asked me to go to the back to get him a couple shoes. Actually a couple was an understatemt because his bill came up $1403.78. I stopped counting after ten and I couldn't understand how one person could spend so much on shoes.

When I was done ringing him up I handed him his receipt and told him to have a good day.

"Bye Nyomi." He winked at me before leaving the store. I mentally rolled my eyes at him and just smiled.

These men aint shit...

For lunch I decided to go to the food court and get Chick-fil-a. The nuggets and polynesian sauce from this place was the best to me. The workers were always nice and in a good mood. Sometimes I thought they were robots because they're just too nice. I mean I've never met a mean Chick-fil-a worker.

Once I paid for my food, I took a seat at a random table. Looking up I noticed the same man from my job except this time he was with a different woman. This Eli guy or whatever was a serious player and I felt bad for both of the woman involved. I'm just happy it wasn't me in that situation getting my heart played with. Finishing up my drink, I went to throw away my trash before returning to work to finish the rest of my shift.

When I got home Alyssa was trying to make plans like I told her we would earlier but I was too tired. She seemed to understand because she didn't bother me about it. After putting on a big loose shirt I got into my bed, turned off my light and drifted off into a deep slumber.

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