Chapter 13

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3rd Person POV

It was nearing eleven at night and the party was still going in full swing. All the party guests were happy. The music was blasting and the drinks were flowing non-stop. No one was fighting and everywhere Nyomi looked she saw smiles. The DJ for the night gave her a birthday shout out and the party promoter had a big picture of her put up so everyone knew who she was. People were coming up to her all night wishing her a happy birthday.

At first she was nervous about the idea of celebrating her birthday. Now she couldn't be more grateful towards Alyssa for putting this together. She knew she would be thanking her for weeks after they both sobered up.

Nyomi managed to control her liquor for the most part but for the past hour she was throwing back shots with some friendly strangers at a ping pong table. She didn't know where Alyssa was but Nyomi knew she was safe and fine.

Naz was getting ready to leave with his boys until he looked over and noticed Nyomi stumbling. He didn't know this girl but something about her was pulling him to her. She was so sweet and innocent. Naz knew if he was to fuck with her seriously he would flip her world upside down. He couldn't believe she saw him down in New York at the club back when he had dreads. The whole conversation he had with her earlier made him wonder a lot of things.

What was she doing down here in LA?

and most importantly...

How the fuck was she alive right now?

He knew that if she saw him in the club, she must've also saw who he was fighting with. Nasheed knew how Traco was about leaving behind witnesses. He decided to push the thoughts to the back of his head.

Nyomi was now sprawled out in the sand from how drunk she was. Naz was going to leave Ny and let her bestfriend handle her but he didn't like the way the men over there were looking at her while she was in weak vunerable state. Ignoring his first mind he went over there to get Ny and take her home. She was too drunk and he didn't want something to happen if he left her there. As he lifted up Nyomi a man grabbed Naz's shoulder to stop him from taking her. "Get the fuck off me if you want to keep your face intact." He told the man through clenched teeth.

"Yo she's just trying to have fun." The man was slurring his words and it was obvious he was drunk too. Nasheed didn't want to cause a big scene with Nyomi, who was now passed out over his shoulder. He just lifted up his shirt to show the gun that rested on his hip. The guy instantly backed up with his hands in the air allowing Naz make his way to his Rolls Royce.

He was careful to place Nyomi in the passenger seat so he didn't hurt her. Naz sent his boys a quick text letting them know he was handling something and not to wait on him. As he started to make his way to drop her off he realized he didn't know where she lived and she didn't have her phone on her. Nasheed nudged Nyomi for five minutes trying to wake her up and gave up when she wouldnt budge.

Making his way back to his mansion, he decided he would drop her off first thing in the morning. Hopefully she wouldn't wake up freaking out. Before getting out he made sure to cover up Nyomi with his shirt because he didn't want anyone who may be in his house to see her. Naz always kept maids and cooks in the house to serve him. Sometimes he would could home and his boys would be over. He never knew what would be inside so he always stayed prepared.

It was a relief to him that his house was empty right now. He made his way up the stairs and put Nyomi in a guest room. Naz took notice of how she never once woke up. Either she was very drunk or a heavy sleeper and Naz planned on keeping her around long enough to find out. He decided to hop in the shower before going to bed once he made his way into the master bedroom.

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