Chapter 90- Home Alone

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Shawn's POV

"Aaliyah!" Sabrina hugs her tightly
"Hi sis" I say after I close the door and hug her as well
"What are you doing here? Wait, no, how did you get here in the first place"
"Oh I just had to say that I was your sister and they let me in"
"Great, now answer the first question?" I cross my arms as I raise my eyebrows at her
"What? Can't your sister visit you?" she chuckles nervously
"Yeah: no"
"Oh come on Shawn! She just wanted to visit us" Sabrina squeezes her
"We're super glad to have you here! You'll have to sleep in the guest room though, is that okay?" my sister smiles at her
"Do mom and dad know that you're here?"
"I'm legally an adult Shawn"
"You still live with them miss" I look at her in the eyes, she's definitely hiding something.
"Excuse me while I call our parents"
"Wait! Shawn!" I pull out my phone
"Please don't"
"Because something happened between us..."
"Would you mind telling me?"
"I-I...can I first talk to Sabrina?" My wife assumes a shocked and yet happy expression
"You rather talk to her than me? I'm your brother"
"Hey! I'm her sister!"
"In law" I clarify
"Shawn" Sabrina kisses my cheek
"Just prepare Aaliyah's room for tonight while we have our girl talk, okay?" I sigh in defeat
"Fine, but sooner or later the truth will come out!" And with that I walk to the guest room. Guess that our date for tonight is postponed. I really wanted her to have just a fun night with me. I wanted to take her to dinner at Olive's Pit, then for a walk in Central Park and at the end to a fair. I would've won all the games and gave her all the stuffed animals she wanted. Guess this is a plan for another night...

Sabrina's POV

"So, what happened?" Aaliyah and I sit on the couch with a mug of tea.
"Okay so...I've got a boyfriend..."
"Oh my gosh! How is he? Is he tall? Does he have muscles? Wait, no! Let's focus on the personality. Is he sweet? Does he treat you right? Did he do something to you? Is that why you're here? I swear I'm gonna kill him" She chuckles
"No, he's great, he's awesome. I really love him" I gasp
"Love? For how long have you been together?"
"Almost six months now but nobody knew about us"
"Oh my gosh I'm so happy for you!" I hug her
"But what does this have to do with all of this?"
" and dad were out on a date and..." I immediately understand.
"Oh no, honey-"
"I know, I know. So I invited him over. We were supposed to only watch a movie but-" She blushes. Ew, the combination of two horny teenagers and an empty house doesn't sound good at all.
"um, things got very heated and we started making out. Then we brought the makeout session to my bedroom and that's when everything happened"
"You mean that you two had..." I look around to see if Shawn is anywhere near us
"Sex?" I whisper
"Almost. We were half naked. My dad came inside the room. I didn't know that they'd be back this early! I freaked out, then mom came in as well, they kicked him out and everything was a huge mess" she takes a deep breath as I rub her back
"So I fought with them, got very angry and took the first flight to come to you guys" I bite my lip, trying to process everything.
"So you're telling me that..." I leave my mug on the coffee table
"You got angry at your parents for discovering that you were about to have sex with your secret boyfriend in your room, which is in their home, while they were on a date a trusted you to take good care of it?"
"Geez, if you put it that way it sounds horrible" What would've you done?"
"Probably just watched the movie by myself"
"You've become very boring since you gave birth, you know?" I chuckle
"Well, having kids really changed me. I would've done the same things as your parents"
"Really?" I nod
"Damn it, I must be wrong then"
"I think that you guys should talk about it in front of some milk and cookies" Aaliyah slightly laughs
"I'll try, can I still stay the night?"
"You can stay all the time you want" We hug
"Thank you"
"You're welcome" I look at the clock
"Listen, I have to go pick up Alex and Harry, can I leave you with Shawn?"
"Promise me you won't have a food fight mixed to a pillow one?"
"Sabrina, that was the past, this is the present, you can trust us"
"Okay, bye!" I walk out to pick up the kids. They better not mess the whole house up again or I'll kill Shawn since he's always the one who starts.

"Harry, can I put you down for a second? Mommy needs to take the kids in order to come inside the house"
"No!" He clinches to my neck even more if that's possible. He's literally choking me.
"Alex can you pick up the keys for mommy, please? They're in the left pocket" I decide to ask him because he likes to stand, unlike his brother.
"Okay mommy!"
"Thank you honey" He puts his hand on my right pocket, right, he still doesn't know which is right and which is left
"No baby, the other pocket"
"Sorry" he replies with a giggle, making me instantly smile. He finally finds the keys but puts them inside his mouth
"No, no. Alex, not inside the mouth, give them to mommy" He groans
"Fine!" he gives them to me and I manage to open the door somehow.
"We're back home!" I scream as I put Harry down and he runs to his room with his brother
"I really need some-" I have no words. Chaos, chaos everywhere. The whole living area and the kitchen are full of feathers and ketchup everywhere
"Shawn!" I see someone hiding behind the curtain
"Seriously?!" I open it and see the two delinquents
"Hey baby" He says with a shy smile
"He started it!"
"That's not t-aw!" He groans in pain when I pull him by the ear
"You are gonna clean this mess and I don't want to hear complaints!"
"I won't help you at all! You'll cook dinner and take care of the kids! I'll be in my room when you're done!"
"Fine" I let go of him and as I walk away I hear Aaliyah laugh.

"Oh, look who finally finished!" I say with a fake surprised tone in my voice
"Yeah, I deserved it" he sighs and sits on the bed, it's currently 11pm and he looks very tired.
"Can you please tell me what Aaliyah did now?"
"She didn't tell you?"
"Nah" I don't know if I should do this, he's her brother though and has the right to now. I take a deep breath and tell him the whole story
"So she has a boyfriend?" He asks all angry
"Yeah" I feel like he didn't pay attention to the story at all, I think he only understood 'boyfriend' and 'sex'
"Aaliyah!" he yells out loud. Damn.

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