Chapter 6- Trouble In Paradise

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Author note: In this au the world hasn't been blessed with the song nervous yet 😱 so I've decided to make Sab and Shawn write and sing it 😊
-two weeks later-
Sabrina's POV
Today I'm gonna release my new music video for Almost Love and  write a new song that will be featured in Shawn's new album and I can't wait for it. We're actually gonna have the whole writing room to ourselves without any supervision and I'm honestly scared of what could happen, things could get heated and one thing could lead to another, what if we end up having sex? I've never had it before and I'm super nervous. After I enter the room I close the door and see him looking all serious, it might me because I'm late, god I'm so stupid
"Hey, sorry I was late but my Uber didn't show up in time and-" He cuts me off by kissing me
"It doesn't matter know" He whispers sexily in between kisses and then proceeds to kiss my neck, giving me goosebumps and causing me to moan
"Sh-Shawn" Is all I manage to say before he starts kissing me again, but this time, adding the tongue. He's driving me crazy, I'm loosing my mind right now and I'm starting to feel butterflies all over my stomach. During our heated make out session I decide to jump and wrap my legs around his waist. He then decides to grab my butt so I pull away from the kiss to moan again, he takes advantage of the situation and lays me down on the couch to climb over me and taking his shirt off. I then look at his sculptured abs and touch them, wow, they really are hard. He groans and takes my shirt off, leaving me only with my bra on, is this happening? Are we really gonna do it?  No, I'm not ready yet! I have to stop this before it goes too far.
"Wait, Shawn" I say as I sit up. He seems to understand and gives me a sympathetic look
"It's okay if you're not ready yet, I get it, it's a big deal loosing your virginity, I don't wanna force you to do anything, I want you to be ready for your first time" He's definitely a special guy
"Thank you Shawn" I kiss his cheek and see him smile
"We better get to work then" I nod
"Good idea" I put my shirt on since it's pretty cold and start thinking about a theme for the song
"We need to find something relatable not only for the two of us, but also for everyone else" At this sentence, I start remembering all the feelings that I get whenever I'm on stage or when I met Shawn, which are basically the same ones
"How about a song that talks about all the feelings and emotions that you have while being around your crush?" His face lights up
"You're a genius! That's a great idea!" He smirks and gets closer
"How do you feel when you're around your crush aka me?" I smile and since I don't wanna basically jump to kiss him I kiss his chest
"I feel stressed out, excited, then I get a little self-conscious but I'm definitely always nervous around you and start talking too much, how do you feel?" It's really hard talking about my feelings for him, it's really scary, I don't know how he'll react. What if he doesn't feel my same emotions? It's almost impossible to not feel vulnerable while expressing your feelings for the person you're talking about in front of that special someone.
He must've noticed my worrying by my expression because he's now giving me a little smile
"Don't be scared of saying what you feel Sabrina, the most important thing in a relationship is conversation, always talk about your emotions, it doesn't matter if they're negative or positive, always open up to me, okay?" He really reassured me, he's so wise. I nod
"Thank you Shawn" I hug him
"You're welcome" He kisses my forehead
"Now, to answer your question...I feel basically the same way, you know, there was this time when I was with Hailee and she told me that you were asking about me and my adrenaline kicked in 'cause I was asking about you too through her" He takes my hand "You have this kind of spell that keeps me hooked up to you, but I like it, I like what you make me feel and I like what you do to me" He's not a songwriter, he's a mother fucking poet!
-some hours later-
"Baby, when I think about you" I hit the last high note
"Yeah when I think about you" Continues Shawn and then we both say in unison
We finally finished recording it. The fact that we wrote and recorded the song in just one day is just amazing! I guess that the fact of the two of us having the same emotions as one of the other made things a lot easier.
"That was awesome Sab!" We fist bump
"Thank you honey" I look at the clock
"Look! The music video is gonna be out in a couple of minutes!" He smiles
"I can't wait to see it!" Shawn opens his computer and immediately start refreshing the page to see if the video is already out until it is and immediately clicks on it
"Hey chill, I'm the one who is supposed to be this excited" I chuckle and sit next to him
"I already liked it" He gives me a quick peck on the lips and keep watching it.
I see that the part where I kiss the guy is getting closer and I'm super excited
"Look, this is the most important part" I say as the kiss is about to happen. After the guy turns into stone I look at Shawn to see his face
"What do you think?" I say with a smile. He remains silent, what's wrong?
"Shawn what happened?" He keeps looking at the video
"You kisses that guy..." I frown
"Yeah, but I turned him into stone!" I say with excitement
"But you kisses him." I can tell that there's something bothering him
"Shawn it was only a kiss"
"Only a kiss? Oh my god!" He scoffs and stands up all stressed
"What's wrong?" I'm so confused
"When did you film the music video?" He sounds so upset
"I filmed during the last days of May" I realize that he thinks that I cheated on him but I didn't, we weren't even dating!
"That was weeks before we started our thing Sabrina!" I'm starting to get pissed off, he's angry for no reason
"Exactly, I didn't cheat on you!"
"If you really liked me then you wouldn't have kissed him!" Now I'm mad
"Same thing for you Shawn!" He frowns
"What are you talking about?!" He runs his hands through his hair
"I'm talking about you and Hailey Baldwin! You were too touchy!"
"Oh my god she's just a friend! And we only held hands and hugged! And that was months before our relationship! Unlike you, I don't go around hooking up with random girls for no reason!" No reason?! He's gonna hear me now...
"I had to kiss him for the music video! And he's not random at all! His name is Noam and he's a really great guy! And don't say that you don't go around hooking around with random people mister -the last time I had sex with an older woman I was 19, so a few months ago-!"
"At least I had sex!"
"Yeah, maybe because you don't have any insecurities about your body since you're tall and muscular while I'm short, fat and have no boobs!" I say with tears in my eyes. He realizes that what he said was really stupid and tries to hug me but I pull away and start walking out of the room
"Sabrina wait! Come on!" I just ignore him and open the door to see our managers
"So how did things go?" I look down and give Andrew the pen drive with the file of the song in the inside and storm away.
Shawn's POV
"What happened man?" Andrew frowns
"And why are you shirtless?"
"Nothing happened" I say as I put my shirt on and leave to go back to the hotel. I know that I should probably ask her to forgive me but I should probably give her some space
Hello! My heart was breaking while writing this chapter 😭
Finally drama happened! How are you feeling?
Hope you HATED this chapter because seeing Shawbrina fight is something that only Corbrina shippers would enjoy 😂

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