Chapter 88- Trial

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Shawn's POV

I'm currently in the car with Sabrina, we're driving to court. Yeah, today is the big day. I wanna see that pig behind bars, he has to pay for what he did to her!
"Are you okay?" I ask my wife when I notice that she's sweating
"Yeah-Yeah, uhm, it's a bit hot in here"
"Yeah, you're right" I turn the air conditioning on
"We're gonna win Sab, I promise" she sighs
"I hope so"
"Come on, we're here" I pull over and we walk inside the tribunal where we meet with our lawyer, Robert
"Okay, everything is gonna turn out just fine, don't worry" he then proceeds to show us some documents but I see that Sabrina suddenly watches at her right with fear. I turn my head to see what she's so afraid of and immediately understand: it's Harvey.
"Don't worry Sab, he can't hurt you anymore" her fear is also mixed with rage
"Just figure him in a cell"
"I just wanna imagine him in a grave" Woah.
"Great then, just say what he did to you!" our lawyer replies to her with enthusiasm as we enter the room and sit at our respective table, well, they sit there, I sit on a bench right behind them. There are also Sabrina's friends and family members today. The babies had to stay home with a babysitter because she didn't want them to see her being this vulnerable.
The judge finally enters the room and we sit up
"You may sit down" Everyone is silent.
The judge looks at some papers and then looks at Sabrina's lawyer
"Mr. Brown?" he nods and stands up
"Yeah, I would like to call mr. Harvey Stenley to witness" The rapist stands up and walks to the witness stand with a guard in front of him, holding a bible.
He puts his right hand on the book and the left one up
"Do you solemnly affirm that you will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, under pains and penalties of perjury?"
"I do" Our lawyer then looks at him and start pacing around while asking him questions
"Mr. Stenley, my client affirms that you sexually harassed her during her permanency at the Los Angeles Center for Alcohol and Drug Abuse-"
"I didn't" he says calmly
"You claim that she actually wanted it"
"Please tell me what had happened exactly"
"Well I was on my work shift and I was picking up the dirty clothes from all the patients' rooms and I knocked on miss. Carpenter's door. She let me in-"
"And for how long did you know her?"
"Two weeks at the time"
"So you knew her well, but you weren't in any kind of relationship whatsoever"
"And she gave you her clothes"
"So: what happened after?"
"I noticed that she looked sad and I asked her if everything was okay"
"Why showing this kind of interest on a patient? You were supposed to only take her clothes"
"Objection!" His lawyer says
"Rejected" the judge replies
"I do this with every patient, I want them to feel happy and appreciated, lift up their spirits. This is also the whole objective with these kind of centers, make them feel better"
"Miss. Carpenter says that you offered to give her the pills -to which she was addicted to- in exchange maintain a sexual relationship, is that true?"
"Absolutely not" I feel my blood boiling up from the rage. He looks at Sabrina while answering the questions with a disgusting look, almost as he still wanted to have sex with her
"We just talked about life, I told her that everything was going to be okay when I kissed her"
"So you started making out?"
"And, you wanted to have sex with her, right?"
"And you were into it?"
"And you assumed that she was into it too?"
"Yeah" I swear I'm gonna stand up and punch him if he doesn't stop with this crap right now
"So you grabbed her from behind"
"And you pulled down her underwear, right?"
"And you took of your own as well, right?"
"Mr. Stenley, do you realize that your actions, even with her consent, were forbidden and that they'll have consequences? Do you know that you'll still have some kind of punishment for that?"
"Anyhow, did you use protection that time?"
"We-we never got to that point"
"Why not?"
"Because we never had enough time"
"So tell me why-"
"Objection!" the judge sighs
"The fact about protection doesn't influence what had happened" he smiles evilly
"Now, I would like to call Sabrina Carpenter to witness" I wish I could hug her and tell her that everything is gonna be fine but I can't, and this kills me. Unfortunately she has to fight alone this time.
Sabrina walks to the other witness stand and repeats Harvey's same oath before the lawyer starts asking her questions
"Miss. Carpenter, you claim that my client offered you some of the substance you were addicted to in exchange of sexual pleasure, is that true?"
"Do you have any proof  that he actually told you that?"
"I took the lie detector test and it showed that I wasn't lying" she then pulls out of her pockets the results. That's my girl!
"However, as we all know, those tests aren't always correct. 10% of the times they are actually wrong, so, do you have any further proof?" Sabrina frowns
"Is my word not enough?"
"Please answer yes or no"
"" fuck
"Rejected" our lawyer sits back down
"So you and mr. Stenley started kissing-"
"He started kissing me" Sabrina clarifies, clearly trying to hide her disgust
"And were you into it?"
"Did you tell him to stop?"
"No, I started-"
"Did you pull away?" Sabrina is so frustrated right now since he won't let her finish her sentences
"I tried to"
"Did you do anything else to stop him, still, if you didn't like it?"
"When I pulled away I started screaming for help but he covered my mouth with his hands to shut me up"
"And did you keep fighting or did you just give up? I mean, if you didn't -theoretically- like it then should've done something else, am I right?"
"I tried to fight him for a long time and I-I was weak, he was stronger than me, nobody could hear my screams and I just gave up at a certain point" I cal clearly see that she's about to break, she's barely holding her tears back
"So you gave him permission?"
"Absolutely not! But I was very weak and it was useless to keep fighting! He's bigger and stronger! I thought I was gonna get raped!"
"From what I understood, you didn't tell him to stop at even let him do all he wanted, that doesn't sound like sexual harassment" He talks to the jury
"We also have no proof that she actually fought back, we're just listening to some words coming out of a mouth of an ex-drug addict. Plus, she's famous in the entertainment industry, what if she's doing this to get more recognition? A marketing strategy perhaps?" What is this fucking lawyer saying? That's a lot of crap! Marketing strategy? She's not a Kardashian!
Sabrina looks scared as hell right now, almost as she thinks that we might have lost the case.
"Accepted" Yes! Finally! Please Robert, help us win this case!
"We actually have proof that my client was trying to pull away..." Two men come out with a tv and Robert takes the remote and presses play, showing a video
"This video was taken the day of the first sexual harassment. You can see that they are indeed in Sabrina's room" the video keeps playing until they start talking and he turns the volume up

"Hey, if you would like, I could give you your antidepressants"
"Yeah, all I ask you is a little favor: I want you to have sex with me"
"...No, thank you, I actually wanna get better"
"You know what? I don't care"
"Help! Somebody he-"
"If you don't stop screaming right now I'll make sure that you'll stay here forever"

She pulls away and screams for help but he stops her and keeps doing his disgusting actions. Suddenly the doors opens and Harvey pulls immediately away and that's when Robert stops the video with a smirk
"You can clearly hear that he actually offers her the drugs, you can see that my client tries to pull away from her aggressor and that he is, in fact, guilty"
"But-" The other lawyer tries to interrupt him but he keeps talking. Yes Robert! You're amazing!
"I also have more videos showing that Harvey kept doing it, still without Sabrina's consent" He proceeds to show more videos and I remain shocked by every new scene I see. I just wanna kill him, how sick is he to do those kind of things on an ill woman? I look at Sabrina who is looking at the ground with shame, sharing these things in front of everyone must be really hard for her. I swear I'm gonna give her the tightest hug ever after the trial.
I notice that the jury is shocked and they all start talking out loud
"Order! Order! Harvey Stenley, you're guilty for sexual harassments, perjury, blackmail, drug dealing and other minor crimes. You'll be sentenced to fifteen years and six months in prison. This court is adjourned" she slams the gavel against the wood, meaning that everything is now finished.
I can't believe it! We won! I run up to Sabrina and hug her tightly along with her family members and friends!
"We did it! We won!" she says happily
"No baby! You won!" I kiss her forehead.
Justice has been done finally!

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