Chapter 1-Wango Tango

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Sabrina's POV
"Wassup 102.7?!" I say to the public
"That was my new Single Almost Love!" I love how loud they are, I was so scared to perform the song live because I didn't know how they would've taken it but it seems like they liked it
"Thank you so much, thank you for having me" I smile
"You guys are such a cute crowd" I say as I walk off stage. Woah, I did it and I still can't believe it.
"Sab you were amazing!" I chuckle
"Thanks!" I hug my family and crew when I see Shawn looking at me as he gets closer
"Sab that was amazing! It was bomb, I can already tell that your song is gonna be a bop" He hugs me and I hug back
"Thank you Shawn, I bet you're gonna kill it as well, you're the best" I can hear his heartbeat racing up
"Thank you Sab" He pulls away and looks at me with his beautiful light brown eyes and takes my hands. I think that he might be leaning for a kiss and I find myself doing the same thing until I hear my sister and her boyfriend Peyton saying
"Oooooohhhh" while both of our managers are clearing their throats, obviously irritated by our behavior since we're supposed to have a 'strictly professional relationship'. We pull away both red of embarrassment
"Ehm-Well I gotta go to get ready uh-Yeah see you dude" He fist bumps me, seriously?
"Yeah bye" He walks away mumbling something that I can't hear. Okay I admit it, I might have a little tiny crush for him but it's nothing special, it may be because I'm a teenager who hasn't been in a relationship for like 2 years but it doesn't matter, I can't be in a relationship, especially with Shawn! Our schedules are too busy and it would be impossible for us to have one. After Shawn leaves my sister comes up behind me
"So you and Shawn huh?" She whispers in my ear and I pull away, still blushing
"Wha-? No! I don't- We're not-No!" She simply giggles and smirks
"Then what was that?" Since when is my sister so sassy?
"It was nothing, we were just looking in our eyes and we got closer to have a better view" I scoff
"Yeah sure" She keeps smirking and starts signing out loud
"Sabrina and Shawn sitting in the tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g! First comes love. Then comes marriage. Then comes the baby in the baby carriage-" I start chasing her around the room
"Stop! We're just friends!" The other artists in the room are watching at us with an amused expression on their faces
"Sabrina!" I hear my manager say and I stop
"You need to get ready for the interviews" I nod and I walk in the changing room. After I changed I hear a knock
"Come in!" The door opens and I can see Ariana, wow, I didn't expect her to be here since she's next on the list
"Hi Ari" I hug her
"Hi Sab, your performance was amazing" I smile
"Thanks, I bet you're gonna be amazing as well" Ariana and I can't call ourselves friends yet, I mean, I only opened her tour in Brazil last year and since she was so busy we didn't have a lot of time to spend together but we're definitely getting closer now
"Thank you, you're so sweet, this is why Shawn likes you so much" I instantly blush
"What? Not you too" I whine
"Wait, how do you know that he likes me?" She smiles
"I can see the way he looks at you, it's the same way I look at Pete" I frown
"But you and Pete are in love" She keeps smiling
"And you two are as well but since you're two young dumb teenagers you won't admit it because you're scared of these new feelings" I can't be in love with him, just no. I simply laugh nervously and look at the watch
"Wow! It's so late! I need to do the interviews" I start walking out and Ariana has a confused expression
"Good luck with the performance!" I walk away before she can even reply and start doing the interviews.
Shawn's POV
Wow. Dude?! Fist bump?! What is wrong with me?! It doesn't matter now. I walk on stage
"Wango Tango!" Crap, another voice crack, damn it! I lower my voice
"Sing it if you know it" I smile and start my performance.
Sabrina's POV
I'm still stuck doing interviews and Shawn is performing right now. I really want to see him but at least I can still hear his beautiful voice in the background
"Issa vibe" I say, I'm trying so hard not to sing along with him or get distracted but it's almost impossible, how can you ignore Shawn Mendes when he's performing?!
"Shawn Mendes is right now, he's on right now and he's killing it!" The interviewer says, damn it, why did he brought him up? I don't want our fans to ship us more and create drama
"killing it!" I take a second to hear him sing
"So passionate" I say with dreamy eyes and then we keep going with the interview. Thankfully I finish them and can hear the rest of his performance. After he walks off and gives his guitar to a member of his crew I walk towards him and hug him
"Told ya you were going to kill it" He's a little bit sweaty but who cares? He hugs back, I love his arms wrapped around my petite body, it makes me feel so safe.
"Thank you, I couldn't have done it without your support" I scoff playfully and pull away, looking in his eyes
"Of course you could've done it! Stop being so Canadian" I giggle and friendly punch his shoulder and he slightly laughs
"Sabrina my crew and I wondered if-" He's cut off by Sarah, who runs up to me
"Did you see it?" I frown
"See what?" She sighs
"Someone posted a picture of you guys hugging this afternoon and everyone is freaking out and shipping you" Shawn and I look at each other's eyes as we simply shrug
"Don't worry the rumors will disappear after they'll notice that we're just friends" I say as Shawn looks kinda hurt but nods
"Yeah, that's true" Sarah looks at us with confusion in her eyes
"You guys are probably right, well, I gotta go now, bye" She walks away
"Sabrina can we talk?" Shawn asks me
"Yeah sure" I smile, he drags me into his changing room and locks the door
"Why did you brought me here?" I frown, he gives me one his charming smiles
"Because there's too much noise outside and I wanted some peace" I nods
"So I was wondering if you could join me on my tour in 2019, we've already talked to your manager and she said yes but I wanted to ask you personally" Wow, I can't believe it, there are so many pros and cons, I would have to stay away from my family for months and possibly change my own tour dates, which are already decided but not announced yet, but then on the other hand, I could spend more time with Shawn and learn something from him. I've been sitting on his couch for like 5 minutes thinking about this and Shawn is growing more impatient "It's okay if you don't want to join I totally get it-" I look up at him and stand up
"I'm in" He smiles widely
"Really?!" I nod
"Yes" He seems really happy
"This is awesome!" He picks me up and spins me around and I laugh "Shawn!"
Hope you liked this chapter! Sorry if it's kinda boring but things will get more interesting in the future I promise! 😋
This chapter is inspired by (obv) Wango Tango and some interviews that Sabrina did after her performance (Almost every line that Shawn and Sabrina say when they're performing are really taken from the irl performances and same for the interviews: you can actually find them on yt).

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