Chapter 45- Hacked

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Shawn's POV
Sabrina and I told our families that we were expecting a new kid and they all loved the news: even Sabrina's dad! But our managers and teams were not to thrilled about it, they still accepted the situation though. However, we're still trying to understand how we will manage our work schedules: I don't want her to overload herself too much with work and I want to be there for her when she'll need me.
So Close got picked up so Sabrina is gonna have to leave and record her scenes before her baby bump gets noticeable and this situation is really stressing me: she'll have to leave for four months in LA to work at least nine hours a day and I know that during the breaks she won't even eat because she'll have to decide some details of her new album and I know that I'll have to be there to remind her of her basic needs like food or water but I also have to record my album as well so I don't know if I should do all of this at the same time or postpone the release date. One thing is for sure: Sabrina doesn't worry about her health like she should, I always have to tell her when she should sleep or eat. The only thing that she's scared about is getting on a taxi so I bought a new car and I drive her anywhere since she still doesn't want to get a driver license, I don't mind doing it but I'm really tired right now and maybe some sleep wouldn't hurt me.
"We need to decide the name" We're currently laying on the couch, she's sitting in between my legs while I rest my head on her shoulder.
"We don't even know the sex yet Shawn" she chuckles and I peck her cheek
"Then we'll decide two names: one for the girl and the other for the boy"
"Don't you think it's a little too soon? I'm still on my first month"
"It's never too soon when it comes to both of you" I poke her tummy, causing her to giggle, she's so cute when she giggles.
"Maybe after we find out the sex, I already have too many things to decide"
"True" I yawn
"Do you wanna sleep?" I shake my head in disagreement
"It's only 9pm"
"It doesn't matter, you always tell me that I should get some rest but I think that now it's your turn, let's go to bed" She yawns and continues
"I'm tired as well" I kiss her head
"Let's not forget that we also have to pack everything since we're going to LA"
"I don't think so baby girl" I correct her
"I'm gonna pack everything for you" She groans
"Shawn, I already told you that I'm just pregnant"
"Yeah nothing too special. A living human being is growing inside of you. Not a big deal, I mean, you're just having our baby" I say with sarcasm
"I swear I feel like someday you won't let me walk and pick me up instead"
"Perfect, I thought I had to tell you" We both laugh
"Let's go to bed"
"Okay" I turn off the tv as she stands up
"Wait!" I say
"What is it?" I pick her up bridal style and she rolls her eyes
"Of course. I saw it coming" I kiss her cheek, making her blush
"Why are you blushing?" I tease her
"Oh stop" She looks away with a smile
"Come on Brini, tell me" She chuckles and caresses my cheek
"You're just so sweet..." I grin
"I know"
"...and overprotective"
"I'm not overprotective, I'm just making sure nothing bad happens to you"
"We'll be fine, we just have to walk from the couch to the bed"
"Hmm..." I say with a thoughtful face
"Maybe you could trip like you always do so: no" I take her to the bedroom and gently place her on the mattress
"My hero"
"I'm always here for you ma'am" I wink at her and lie down next to her.
"Goodnight Shawn" Sabrina kisses my cheek and closes her eyes
"Goodnight" I whisper before falling asleep.

*The next day*

I wake up by the sound of my phone ringing. Who the hell is calling me? It's 7am on a Sunday! I groan and pick up
"Hello?" I whisper in a raspy voice, trying to not wake Sabrina up
"Shawn!" I hear my manger scream in rage
"Yo calm down, what's wrong?" I sit up and yawn
"What were you thinking when you posted those tweets?!"
"What are you talking about Andrew?" Is he drunk?! I can hear him taking a deep breath
"So you didn't do anything?" he says in a much more calm tone
"I literally have no idea of what you're talking about"
"You must've been hacked..."
"What?!" I can't believe it
"Yeah, just look at your twitter, you'll find some interesting news, maybe we can talk about it after you'll see and process everything..."
"Yeah okay, bye" I hung up. God I'm so afraid. Should I tell Sabrina? No, it's probably nothing serious, I don't wanna wake her up for some stupid drama. It can't be anything serious, right? I take a deep breath, open Twitter and start looking what the hackers posted. I can already see that they posted some screenshots of the chats between my management team talking about the album.
Fuck! Some of the names and lyrics are now outdo the songs! Damn now I'll have to change the titles! I'm already so angry and this is only the beginning. I decide to keep scrolling further and I can't believe what my eyes are seeing: the posted some pictures of me and Sabrina in some um... provocative poses. Thank god that we never sent nudes: you know, when we are far away and miss each other we exchange some dirty text messages along with some hot pictures. I swear I'm gonna take this to court, this is so disrespectful and disgusting.
I even notice that there are chats of me and Sabrina talking about baby stuff and her pregnancy. Damn it! We  wanted to keep this private! Just one little thing, can one thing remain between the two of us for some fucking months?!
This makes me even angrier, you can mess with me and my career but you can't mess with the mother of my future child or anyone that I love!
"Fuck!" I scream, making Sabrina wake up
"What's wrong?!" She sits up immediately all scared
"I have been hacked Sabrina! I have been fucking hacked and now everything is out!"
"What do you mean?" I notice that she looks scared, probably because of my screaming. She can't feel any negative emotions for now because this could affect the baby
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you baby" I sigh and sit next to her
"I have to tell you some bad news" I take her hands in mine
"Drop it"
"I've been hacked and..." I take a deep breath
"There's no easy way to say this baby..."
"Just use words, trust me, they work" I slightly chuckle
"Listen, some of my lyrics and song titles got leaked"
"I'm so sorry honey" She hugs me
"Can I do anything for you?" I shake my head
"I'm not done yet, then the hacker posted some screenshots of some of our heated text convos" Her eyes widen
"Are you serious?! Both of us?!" She blushes hard as I nod
"God this is gonna be so embarrassing..." She holds her head between her hands
"Hey, at least you weren't fully naked, it's like seeing Bella Thorne's Snapchat: full of photos of her in bikini" She sighs
"Yeah I guess you're right..." I kiss her head
"One more thing..."
"What is it?"
"Your pregnancy is now public..." She lies back down on the bed
"I won't go out anymore, I'll stay here forever, I can't go out knowing that everyone saw me on my granny panties and that they know that I'm pregnant"
"I'll take this to court if this is gonna make you feel better"
"You're the one who got hacked, you should decide" She puts the covers over her head
"I'm so sorry baby" I hate seeing her like this, she didn't deserved it
"How did our fans react?"
"Well I've only read some comments but they're pretty confused"
"Who can't blame them?"
"Do you want me to pack up the things for you? The flight is in seven hours"
"Maybe later..."
"Can I have some privacy?"
"Sure honey" she sounds so hurt and there's nothing I can do for her and this is killing me.
I stand up and walk out of the room.
I swear that this fucking hacker will hear me now.
I take my phone and dial Andrew's number
"Find who the hacker is and then find a lawyer: we're taking this to court"

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