Chapter 41- Welcome Back

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Shawn's POV

Today Camila is coming over to visit me because she has a performance in NY and she asked me if she could crash over and I obviously said yes. I haven't seen her in months and I really miss her, I also feel very lonely, Sabrina was supposed to come back today but her flight got delayed, needless to say that I'm sad af. I feel incomplete without her, okay, this is too depressing, Camila should be here anytime soon. I just finished cleaning the bedroom from all the plumes, I know what your thinking: yes, I was too lazy to clean that huge mess, the only reason why I did it was because Sab was supposed to come back. I hear a knock on the door and open it
"Cami!" I hug her and she hugs back
"Hi Shawn! How are you?" We pull away and she comes in
"I'm good, how about you?"
"Kinda tired because of all these shows but I'm okay now" I chuckle and she continues
"I haven't seen you in years! How's it going between you and Sabrina?" I smile
"Great, we're really close now, we complete each other, literally" I say with sadness at the last part
"What's wrong?"
"I just miss her" She slightly laughs
"Chill, she just left a week ago"
"And she was supposed to come back today!" I groan and sit on the couch
"Shawn, we need to talk" She sits next to me
"You wanna break up with me?" I try to lighten the mood since she looks so serious
"I think that your relationship is kinda toxic"
"What?" I frown, why is she saying this?
"You're like glue, you both depend on each other"
"Isn't that a good thing?" She shakes her head in disagreement
"You both are individuals, you don't necessarily have to do everything together, you know that, right?" I sigh
"It's just that we're both gonna drop our albums soon and start touring and-" I take a deep breath
"We won't be able to see each other as much so I'm trying to spend as much time as possible with her" I sigh again
"And if she gets that role on that TV show I know that she's gonna have to live in LA for at least 6 months a year and the fact of just loosing her scares me to death"
"Aren't you happy for her and her career?"
"I am Camila, I really am but" I try to contain my tears and Camila starts talking before I can finish my sentence
"And is she happy for your career?" I nod
"She always supports me with my singing and she even helps me with my auditions when it comes to acting"
"And how do you think she feels?"
"I don't know"
"You both need to talk, you can't keep going like this, you're hurting each other in this way. You can't keep hiding your feelings"
"Since when have you become a psychiatrist?" I chuckle
"You're forgetting that this chick right here" She points at herself
"Has been in a relationship for three years and a half" We laugh
"Thank you Cam, I really needed this" I hug her and I see the front door opening

Sabrina's POV

I told Shawn that my flight got delayed so I could surprise him. On my way home from the airport I buy some blueberry muffins for him because there weren't any chocolate chip ones left.
I arrive at the front door and open it.
"Hi Shawn!" I see that he's hugging Camila. Okay Sab, he's not cheating, he's a nice guy
"Sab!" He pulls away from the hug with Camila to run and kiss me passionately. Yup, he wasn't cheating at all. After we pull away from our make out session I chuckle
"Well I was expecting a simple 'hi' but this was way better" I show him the bag that contains the muffins
"Guess what I brought" He gives me one of his innocent, yet, charming smiles.
"Thank you sweetie" He kisses my head and starts eating them
"Hi Sabrina" Camila walks up at me and hugs me
"Hey Camila, what are you doing here?"
"Oh! I have Show today and Shawn invited me here" She smiles
"You guys can come too if you want"
"That's really sweet but I'm kinda tired, Shawn can go if he wants though" While I was in LA I talked with Joey and I realized that Shawn and I are too sticky, like glue.

"Joey!" I hug her and she hugs back. I just came back home from the audition and I invited Joey over.
"Hi Sabby! How are you?" We pull away and she comes in
"I'm good, how about you?"
"Kinda tired because of all these projects but I'm fine now" I chuckle and she continues
"I haven't seen you in years! How's it going between you and Shawn?" I smile
"Great, we're really close now, we complete each other, literally" I say with sadness at the last part
"What's wrong?"
"I just miss him" She slightly laughs
"Chill, you just left four days ago"
"And I miss him so much!" I groan and sit on the couch
"Sabrina, we need to talk" She sits next to me
"You wanna break up with me?" I try to lighten the mood since she looks so serious
"I think that your relationship is kinda toxic"
"What?" I frown, why is she saying this?
"You're like glue, you both depend on each other"
"Isn't that a good thing?" She shakes her head in disagreement
"You both are individuals, you don't necessarily have to do everything together, you know that, right?" I sigh
"It's just that we're both gonna drop our albums soon and start touring and-" I take a deep breath
"We won't be able to see each other as much so I'm trying to spend as much time as possible with him" I sigh again
"And if I get this role I know that I'll have to live in LA for at least 6 months a year and the fact of just loosing him scares me to death"
"Aren't you happy for him and his career?"
"I am Joey, I really am but" I try to contain my tears and Joey starts talking before I can finish my sentence
"And is he happy for your career?" I nod
"He always supports me with both my singing and acting"
"And how do you think he feels?"
"I don't know"
"You both need to talk, you can't keep going like this, you're hurting each other in this way. You can't keep hiding your feelings"
"Since when have you become a psychiatrist?" I chuckle
"You're forgetting that this chick right here" She points at herself
"Has been in a relationship for four years and a half" We laugh
"Thank you Joey, I really needed this"

She's right. We both need to talk as soon as possible.
Shawn looks at me in disbelief
"Are you sure?" I nod
"Sure" In reality I don't like this, at all, I just came back and wanna spend some time with him but we need some distance to find our independence  again.
"Okay then" he hugs me
"See you later" I hug back
"See you later baby" I look up at him and give him a quick peck on the lips
"I'll probably be sleeping by then though" I chuckle and pull away
"Good luck out there Camila" I hug her
"Thank you, see you" She takes Shawn's hand and they both walk outside. After all this time I'm still not used to this but I gotta deal with it: they're best friends and I can't sto Shawn from having a social life, plus, I do the same thing with Corey, we're just besties.
As I'm waiting for Shawn to come back I watch Love Island.
As the challenge starts I feel my eyelids getting heavier and heavier by every second to the point where I'm unable to open my eyes anymore...
Sorry for the late update! This was supposed to be a long chapter but I decided to separate it in two parts to make you happy ❤️
I hope you liked it 🤙🏻

Eternal Love | A Shawbrina FanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon