Chapter 61- Connor

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Shawn's POV

Sabrina is gonna come home today and I'm so stressed out, I still have to take the dog home and I hope that I'll make it before her return. The dog's name is Connor, he is a white Maltese, I adopted him because nobody wanted to since he doesn't have an eye, he was just born this way and as soon as I saw him I knew that he was perfect, he loves cuddles. Having a dog is gonna be great -even though I'll have to take lots of medication to avoid an allergic reaction-!
"Thank you for coming Ariana, I would be lost without you right now" Yup, Ariana Grande. I invited her here to take care of the babies while I'm gonna bring Connor home
"No problem Shawn, how hard can it be? Taking care of two babies must be pretty easy after all" My eyes widen in shock
"Okay well umm...there's the instruction book for the babies in the kitchen and in case you have a question just call me right away, okay?" She frowns
"Instruction book? Why?"
"There's written their sleeping and eating schedules, with some instructions on how to prepare the milk and other things"
"You need to prepare the milk?" Oh god, I'm starting to regret this, I should've called a normal babysitter
"Yes, you do, but it's pretty easy trust me" I hug her
"I gotta go now bye"
"Bye" I kiss the babies foreheads while they're still sleeping and then drive to the shelter.
"Hi, I'm here for Connor, the Maltese" I say as soon as I come in
"May I have an ID?" A guy behind the counter asks me
"Sure" I reply and give it to him
"Follow me" He says while pulling out a pair of keys
"Sure" He looks for Connor as I'm walking behind of him. When he finds him he opens the cage and picks him up
"Hi Connor!" I smile and he barks, so cute
"Yeah hold him"
"Oh ok-" This guy gives it to me, he should be a little bit nicer
"Okay you need to sign here and the dog is gonna be yours" He says while pointing at a document on the counter and handing me a pen
"Sure" I hold Connor with my left arm and sign the paper
"Thank you for coming" He says with no enthusiasm, thank god that I took this puppy away from this dude. I walk back to the car and put him in the back seat
"Okay Connor, be nice, okay?" He licks my face
"I'll take that as a yes" I chuckle and sit on the driver seat to drive back home.
"So, Connor, you're gonna love your brothers and mom, they're absolutely amazing you know" I look at the dog, he looks pretty relaxed
"But you gotta show some extra love to mommy, she's kinda sad right now and in need of all the love in the world, can you do that to me?" I see that he lifts up one of his hind leg, oh no...
"Connor..." I say warningly but he just looks at me and pees in the passenger seat
"We've got a lot to talk about" I sigh.

"Hello!" I say while opening the door of the apartment, holding the puppy
"Shawn hi!" Ariana runs in, I can see that she's wet and her hair is a mess
"What happened?" She laughs nervously
"Well, should've told me that I had to warm up the milk!"
"What?!" I leave the dog on the floor and close the door
"Yeah! I didn't know!"
"Did you even open the book?" She looks away
"Oh are they?"
"Just finished play time, they're pretty tired right now so they're sleeping"
"They played with your hair, didn't they?" She sighs
"Sorry about that"
"Don't worry" we hug
"I better go home and wash now"
"Thank you for everything"
"Yeah, no problem, bye!" She opens the door and goes away, not even 30 seconds later Sabrina comes in

Sabrina's POV

"Bye!" I hear a familiar voice say from our apartment, wait, that sounds like Ariana
"Oh! Hi Sabrina!" She says to me as soon as she walks out. Her hair is a mess and is covered in a white substance that I believe is milk
"Hi Ari" We hug
"What are you doing here?" She looks nervous as soon as I ask her that question
"'ll see" She winks and walks away, weird.
I walk in and I see Shawn
"Okay, before you say anything, I wasn't cheating-" I start crying and hug him
"I know you weren't" I sniff
"I've missed you Shawn" He hugs back and kisses my head
"I've missed you too Sabrina, how are you feeling?" I cry harder
"It's fine baby, I'm here now"
"Th-thank you" I mange to say through sobs
"Everything is gonna be fine now..." He slowly rubs my back and I finally start to calm down
"Do you feel better?" I slightly nod and feel something hairy walking between my feet
"What the-" I look down and see that it's a dog. My sadness is now replaced with surprise and happiness
"Hi kid!" I pick him up
"What is a dog doing here? And why aren't you dead yet?" I ask Shawn while the puppy licks my face
"His name is Connor and I adopted him because I thought that we might need some more happiness in our lives"
"This is so sweet Shawn! Thank you!" I give him a quick peck on the lips and look back at Connor
"Why is he missing an eye?" I tilt my head while looking at him
"He was just born this way" I smile
"He looks like an angel" Connor barks and I leave him on the ground
"You're an angel!" I say as kneel down to play with him
"Oh my god you want all the love and caresses in the world!" I start rubbing his tummy
"He's cute, isn't he?" I nod
"Thank you Shawn, you're the best"
"No problem"
"And what was Ariana doing here by the way?" Connor licks my hands and I giggle
"She was um...taking care of the babies while I'm as gone" He blurts out
"What?! You were out?! And left the kids?! With Ariana?!" He chuckles nervously
"Listen, I would love to stay here and talk about it but I think that Connor might need a walk" He stands up but I stop him by grabbing his arm, making him fall
"Oh my god are you okay?!" He laughs and climbs over me
"Of course I am" He starts kissing me but Connor barks at us
"I guess that now we have another reason why we won't have fun like we used to"
"Are you kidding me? This is the best fun I've had in months!"
"Oh yeah?" I nod
"Well then..." Shawn smirks, oh no, I already know what it's gonna happen next.
"Are you ticklish?!" He screams while tickling my neck
"Shawn!" God I love him so much.

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